android Programming Glossary: actionbar.navigation_mode_list
How to auto adjust font size in the action bar spinner based on orientation? LinearLayout This spinner is then loaded on to the title bar using the following code getActionBar .setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST getActionBar .setListNavigationCallbacks mSpinnerAdapter mOnNavigationListener It works as expected except that in the landscape..
Show dropdown programatically in ActionBar / ActionBarSherlock dropdown programatically in ActionBar ActionBarSherlock I have an activity using ActionBarSherlock with ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST . When entering the page I want the spinner in the action bar to expand programmatically after it's populated with items..
Actionbar styled overflow menu items these line of code in your Activity onCreate methos. ActionBar actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST actionBar.setListNavigationCallbacks mNavigationAdapterObj mNavigationListner for more information .Consult here. share..
How to add spinner to subtitle - as in the Play Music app for Android? see. Feel free to modify the code. This is just a proof of concept. In your activity getActionBar .setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST getActionBar .setTitle getActionBar .setListNavigationCallbacks new MySpinnerAdapter this R.layout.customspinneritem items..
How to set active item in the Action Bar drop-down navigation? but I don't know how to set active list item. Here is the definition of ActionBar getActionBar .setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST ArrayAdapter CharSequence list ArrayAdapter .createFromResource this R.array.action_list android.R.layout.simple_dropdown_item_1line.. navigation item in list or tabbed navigation modes. Example actionBar getActionBar actionBar.setNavigationMode ActionBar.NAVIGATION_MODE_LIST actionBar.setListNavigationCallbacks adapter this actionBar.setSelectedNavigationItem position share improve this answer..