android Programming Glossary: actionbartabtextstyle
Customizing ActionBar Tabs on Android 4 parent @android style Theme.Holo.Light item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style MyActionBarTabTextStyle item style style name MyActionBarTabTextStyle..
How to change the color of tab 'underbar' in actionbarsherlock @style Widget.Styled.ActionBarTabBar item item name actionBarTabTextStyle @style myText item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style.. actionBarTabTextStyle @style myText item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style myText item style style name Widget.Styled.ActionBarTab..
ActionBar with navigation tabs changes height with screen orientation @dimen actionBarHeight item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style tab_indicator_text_dark item style style name NightTheme.. @dimen actionBarHeight item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style tab_indicator_text_light item style resources I get the..
Android ActionBar tab style for Honeycomb actionBarTabStyle android actionBarTabBarStyle and android actionBarTabTextStyle control the appearance of action bar tabs. The default styling..
Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors actionBarTabStyle android actionBarTabBarStyle and android actionBarTabTextStyle . This section in the official developer guide shows a sample..
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs actionBarTabStyle @style Skoletube.TabView item item name actionBarTabTextStyle @style Skoletube.Tab.Text item style style name Skoletube.TabView..
Customizing ActionBar Tabs on Android 4 xml version 1.0 encoding utf 8 resources style name MyTheme parent @android style Theme.Holo.Light item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style MyActionBarTabTextStyle item style style name MyActionBarTabTextStyle parent @android style Widget.Holo.Light.Tab..
How to change the color of tab 'underbar' in actionbarsherlock item item name android actionBarTabBarStyle @style Widget.Styled.ActionBarTabBar item item name actionBarTabTextStyle @style myText item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style myText item style style name Widget.Styled.ActionBarTab.. @style Widget.Styled.ActionBarTabBar item item name actionBarTabTextStyle @style myText item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style myText item style style name Widget.Styled.ActionBarTab parent Widget.Sherlock.Light.ActionBar.TabView item name..
ActionBar with navigation tabs changes height with screen orientation parent android style Theme.Holo.Light item name android actionBarSize @dimen actionBarHeight item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style tab_indicator_text_dark item style style name NightTheme parent android style Theme.Holo item name android actionBarSize.. parent android style Theme.Holo item name android actionBarSize @dimen actionBarHeight item item name android actionBarTabTextStyle @style tab_indicator_text_light item style resources I get the desired effect in landscape mode where I have increased the..
Android ActionBar tab style for Honeycomb guide topics ui themes.html The theme attributes android actionBarTabStyle android actionBarTabBarStyle and android actionBarTabTextStyle control the appearance of action bar tabs. The default styling uses android background within the tab bar style for the..
Android 3.0 ActionBar, changing colors the appearance of the tabs by using the properties android actionBarTabStyle android actionBarTabBarStyle and android actionBarTabTextStyle . This section in the official developer guide shows a sample xml to customize the action bar's style. Regarding the text..
Android - customizing actionbar sherlock tabs @dimen st__action_bar_default_height item item name actionBarTabStyle @style Skoletube.TabView item item name actionBarTabTextStyle @style Skoletube.Tab.Text item style style name Skoletube.TabView parent Widget.Sherlock.ActionBar.TabView item name android..