

php Programming Glossary: member

Achieve hierarchy, Parent/Child Relationship in an effective and easy way


Adjacency List but they also store a root_id column. Every member of a given tree has the same value for root_id which is the..

Use global variables in a class


the class. But it's giving me the fatal error Call to a member function query on a non object . This is the index file db new..

What does PHP keyword 'var' do?


share improve this question It's for declaring class member variables in PHP4 and is no longer needed. It will work in PHP5..

Reference - What does this error mean in PHP?


is this Questions like Headers already sent or Calling a member of a non object pop up frequently on StackOverflow. The root.. tried to allocate XXX bytes Fatal error Call to a member function ... on a non object Fatal Error Call to Undefined function..

When to use self vs $this?


to refer to the current class. In other words use this member for non static members use self member for static members. .. class. In other words use this member for non static members use self member for static members. share improve this answer..

Mysqli update throwing Call to a member function bind_param() error


update throwing Call to a member function bind_param error Hi i have a 70 80 field form that.. i use to create alter the table function createTable array memberMysqli foreach array as key value echo p Key . key. Value ... p query ALTER TABLE questionnaire ADD . key. text if stmt memberMysqli prepare query success stmt execute echo h1 Array count..

Are global variables in PHP considered bad practice? If so, why?


encompass many HTTP requests. Often always you can call member functions in methods like preg_replace_callback like this preg_replace_callback..

Cannot modify header information - headers already sent, Why its happening [duplicate]


addThoughts script alert Congratulations You are now member of alertme serives script header 'Location index.php' else..

how to replace special characters with the ones they're based on in PHP?


manual en class.normalizer.php Specifically the normalize member of that class http www.php.net manual en normalizer.normalize.php..

Call to a member function on a non-object


to a member function on a non object So I'm refactoring my code to implement.. 'title' When I do I receive the error message Call to a member function set_page_title on a non object So what am I missing..

What's the difference between :: (double colon) and -> (arrow) in PHP?


use . This means that is mostly used to access instance members though it can also be used to access static members such usage.. members though it can also be used to access static members such usage is discouraged while is usually used to access static.. is discouraged while is usually used to access static members though in a few special cases it's used to access instance..

Why don't PHP attributes allow functions?


znode NULL 2 Declare the property as a member of the class zend_do_declare_property ' path' znode End the..

Call to a member function on a non-object


to a member function on a non object So I'm refactoring my code to implement.. 'title' When I do I receive the error message Call to a member function set_page_title on a non object So what am I missing..

Able to see a variable in print_r()'s output, but not sure how to access it in code


variable is where you start is used to access object members which need to be named then like a name for a variable handler.. is an object you need to use again the to access the view member of it. Now view is different because it's an array. You access..

Re-index numeric array keys


set Blessing it ladyship. 3 Snippet Testing 4 Category Member 5 Tags little before entire I need the array to be ordered starting..

Magic __get getter for static properties in PHP


No it is not possible. Quoting the manual page of __get Member overloading only works in object context. These magic methods..

Displaying table data column-wise in a while loop


Shoes 6 Kate Pants 6 But we want to display it like this Member Shoes Pants John 3 10 Sally 12 8 Billy 4 9 Kate 6 6 We would..

script not working in Ajax returned value


row5 user_id style font size 10px Show items for this Member a td tr php table input name hidden_field type hidden id hidden_field..

profile page issues in the system that always display that the user is the owner of the profile whcich is wrong


you here. div ' isOwner yes function addAsFriend a b alert Member with id a request friendship with the memeber with id b var..

Simple PHP SQL login troubleshooting


3 cellspacing 1 bgcolor #FFFFFF tr td colspan 3 strong Member Login strong td tr tr td width 78 Username td td width 6 td.. _POST 'Username' Password _POST 'Password' sql SELECT FROM Members WHERE Username ' Username' and Password ' Password' result.. ' ' . con connect_error sql SELECT Username Password FROM `Members` WHERE Username if result con prepare sql die 'Query failed..

Can you add an if statement in ORDER BY?


the value stored in Column A. For example if the Type is Member sort by member last name if the Type is Group sort by the Group.. FROM table WHERE STATUS 'Active' ORDER BY LNAME if TYPE 'Member' OR GROUPNAME if TYPE 'Group' ASC I know this is incorrect but.. also an unrelated IF statement ... ORDER BY IF TYPE 'Member' LNAME GROUPNAME ASC However in this case it seems the better..

Upload Image to Server using PHP. Store file name in a MYSQL database, with other profile info


looks like this Field Type Null Default id int 10 No nameMember varchar 25 No bandMember text No photo varchar 30 No aboutMember.. Null Default id int 10 No nameMember varchar 25 No bandMember text No photo varchar 30 No aboutMember text No otherBands.. 25 No bandMember text No photo varchar 30 No aboutMember text No otherBands text No The form I want will look like this..

PHP and PDO class question


this db like you didn't want to have to do. class Person Member to hold the db handle public db public function __construct..

Database and query to store and retreive friend list


and is there any need to change the DB structure. YAML Member columns id primary true type integer notnull true autoincrement.. unique true type string 255 Address_id type integer 4 MemberPhoto_id type integer relations address class Address local Address_id.. Address local Address_id foreign id memberPhotos class MemberThumbnail foreignAlias member local MemberPhoto_id foreign id..