

php Programming Glossary: meets

PHP set selected value of dropdown box


...This doesn't seem to work when more than one result set meets the search criteria though as the dropdown boxes for the 2nd..

How can an SQL query return data from multiple tables


query would only return the row matching id 3 as it meets both criteria. Now if your database doesn't support an intersect..

Zend Form Edit and Zend_Validate_Db_NoRecordExists


case the validator needs to check that the element value meets one of two mutually exclusive conditions conditions The user..

Scalable, Delayed PHP Processing


I personally feel that the only clean solution that meets the requirements for this project is to write a PHP daemon that..

What is a “real” programming language? [closed]


Since PHP is used widely to solve real problems it easily meets this requirement for being a real programming language although..

htmlspecialchars(): Invalid multibyte sequence in argument


How might I obtain a Snapshot or Thumbnail of a web page using PHP?


a site.com. There are some site as thumbshot.org that meets with I need. But I do not want to use an external service not..

Framework for providing API access to website?


me to create such APIs can folks suggest something that meets the criteria php api rest frameworks share improve this question..

php imagettftext letter spacing


30 30 black 'arial.ttf' text 23 Function parameters order meets standard imagettftext parameters order and the last parameter..