

php Programming Glossary: meaningless

Converting words to numbers in PHP


ten eleven twelve ... nineteen drop any and s as they are meaningless. Break hyphens into two tokens. That is sixty five should be..

How to 'insert if not exists' in MySQL?


syntax and in the UPDATE part just do nothing do some meaningless empty operation like calculating 0 0 Geoffray suggests doing..

include after PHP 404 header returning “Oops! This link appears to be broken.”


. I tend to pad my 404 pages with a few hundred bytes of meaningless content wrapped in HTML comments to make sure the custom 404..

In PHP, how does PDO protect from SQL injections? How do prepared statements work?


and will take the above as an instruction rather than a meaningless string. The way PDO works is that it sends separately the instruction..

Bulletin board - Database optimisation


is about Identifiers natural vs unatural meaningful vs meaningless. Later you will see how we can use the Relational capability..

When to use Try Catch blocks


to wrap it in try catch to silence an otherwise totally meaningless error. The error exception really is meaningless. Let's take.. totally meaningless error. The error exception really is meaningless. Let's take the examples you list and see how they square with..

CakePHP ACL Database Setup: ARO / ACO structure?


there's a lot of stuff in our boilerplate code that's meaningless here isMine method that we have in our AppController. I've removed..

What encryption algorithm is best for encrypting cookies?


of encrypting the data I should only send out data that is meaningless without it's context and cannot be guessed . However I'm also..

php mysql character set: storing html of international content


me erratic results accented characters are replaced by meaningless characters. Why is that do i have to utf8_encode or utf8_decode..

exec() waiting for a response in PHP [duplicate]


0 parameter is defined as 'window style' and is probably meaningless here you could pass any integer value . The WshShell object..

Designing a secure auto login cookie system in PHP


login create an entry in this table. The entry can be any meaningless value such as md5 uniqid '' true . This token can be unique..