

php Programming Glossary: me@gmail.com

can't send email to addresses at my own domain


php script on my domain that sends me an email ... toMail me@gmail.com this works I get the email at my gmail toMail me@mydomain.com..

Multiple sending of email with attachment - repost


tls mail Host smtp.gmail.com mail Port 587 mail Username me@gmail.com mail Password mypass mail SetFrom me@gmail.com Office mail AddReplyTo.. Username me@gmail.com mail Password mypass mail SetFrom me@gmail.com Office mail AddReplyTo me@gmail.com Office mail Subject My Subject.. mypass mail SetFrom me@gmail.com Office mail AddReplyTo me@gmail.com Office mail Subject My Subject mail AltBody Subject file mail..

Failed to send HTML mails using PHP mail()


strong td tr message . table message . body html to 'me@gmail.com' subject 'Website Change Reqest' headers From . email . r n.. email.' And this is what my e mail looks like... Reply To me@gmail.com MIME Version 1.0 Content Type text html charset ISO 8859 1 Message..

How do I submit POST data using PHP and cURL?


Name lastname Lastname company Company 20Name email me@gmail.com work_phone 123 456 7890 curl_setopt ch CURLOPT_HEADER 0 curl_setopt..