

php Programming Glossary: measures

What do I need to store in the php session when user logged in?


Preventing session hijacking


to a genuine request. Because most properties that counter measures check like the IP address or user agent characteristics are..

Good PHP Metric tools [closed]


including SLOC Comments Whitespace Cyclomatic and Halstead measures. The CloneDR is a tool that finds exact and near miss duplicated..

Increasing PHP memory_limit. At what point does it become insane?


website memory_limit and max_execution_time being security measures Still if you have the time to optimize your script you should..

How to enable DDoS protection?


or network protocols and other broad spectrum defensive measures or alternatively allow only whitelisted IPs depending on your..

PHP tutorial that is security-, accuracy- and maintainability-conscious? [closed]


. I absolutely don't want to see misguided ˜security measures like looping over the _GET array removing punctuation characters..

PHP shell_exec() and sudo: must be setuid root


happen. I understand the security issues and am putitng in measures to address it . The issue is when I run the shell_exec I get..

PHP: Is mysql_real_escape_string sufficient for cleaning user input?


I apply mysql_real_escape_string or if I should take extra measures to clean the data before I pass it around the application and..

Historical security flaws of popular PHP CMS's?


from the start What additional security features or measures would you include anything from minute details to system level..

Salting my hashes with PHP and MySQL


rand 1 1000 4 '0' STR_PAD_LEFT you may want to use more measures here too concatenate hash with salt user_password sha512 password..

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?


number of failed login attempts with BEST PRACTICES countermeasures against both dictionary and DoS attacks All database access.. owe it to yourself to at least get the most basic security measures done right. rant Basically here's how it is I don't care if..

php exercises [closed]


to help out if you're stuck and to review your security measures to see if you missed anything out. Some basics to learn about..

PHP access all $_POST[] variables into an array?


variables like mysql_real_escape_string Other security measures will be figured out. I want to be able to add a reffrence of..

Are mysql_real_escape_string() and mysql_escape_string() sufficient for app security?


prepared statements allows one to harness the protective measures of the SQL server itself and therefore you are protected from..

What are the best practices for catching and re-throwing exceptions?


do something finally something went wrong take corrective measures let exception propagate Sometimes you do not know how to properly..

Security of strip_tags() and mysqli_real_escape_string()


publicly available. Otherwise all of your other security measures will be vain. Update I thought of a couple other issues relating..

How to prevent cross-domain ajax requests?


the time they'll find a way. These types of preventative measures are really only deterrents to keep away the lazy curious and..

RegExp in preg_match function returning browser error


script is designed to be run from the command line. It measures the subject string length that results in a PREG_RECURSION_LIMIT_ERROR..

uploading a file in chunks using html5


problem your current program suffers from is not taking measures to make sure that the files are assembled in the correct order... them or at least make sure you're taking the necessary measures to assemble them in order. I'm not sure why your files would..