

php Programming Glossary: megabytes

PHP Fatal error: Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 41007872 bytes)


question 33 554 432 bytes 41 007 872 bytes 71.1081543 megabytes Set your memory_limit to 96M and call it a day share improve..

Format bytes to kilobytes, megabytes, gigabytes


bytes to kilobytes megabytes gigabytes Scenario the size of various files are stored in.. What's the best way to format this size info to kilobytes megabytes and gigabytes For instance I have an MP3 that Ubuntu displays..

html scraping and css queries


saving my precious time. My scrapers used to take ~ 60 megabytes to scrape 10 sites asyncronously with curl. That was even with.. fix you mentioned. Now my php processes never go above 8 megabytes. Highly recommended. EDIT Okay I did some benchmarks. Built..

Allowed memory size of 33554432 bytes exhausted (tried to allocate 12 bytes) [duplicate]


ini_set memory_limit 12M The 12M sets the limit to 12 megabytes 12582912 bytes . If this doesn ™t work keep increasing the memory..

PHP configuration: max_execution_time and max_input_time


60 seconds should be ample time to parse many hundreds of megabytes of files. I'd recommend to find out the perfect value using..

Uploading big files over HTTP


I need to upload potentially big as in 10's to 100's of megabytes files from a desktop application to a server. The server code..

Key groups with APC cache


memory pain at a constraint of for example a few hundred megabytes. Tamas Imrei beat me to suggesting an alternate strategy I was..

How to limit file upload type file size in PHP?


file size and file type to limit the uploaded file to 2 megabytes and either .pdf .jpg .gif or .png file types. My goal is to.. type message when the file size is greater than 2 megabytes #4 even if the file type is correct #3 . Any ideas why if isset.. 2097152 message 'File too large. File must be less than 2 megabytes.' echo ' script type text javascript alert '. message.' script..

Generating ZIP files with PHP + Apache on-the-fly in high speed?


will usually be pretty large ranging from a few tens of megabytes to hundreads of megabytes. It's also completely normal for a.. large ranging from a few tens of megabytes to hundreads of megabytes. It's also completely normal for a user to request everything..