

php Programming Glossary: media

Setup HTTP expires headers using PHP and Apache


0 ExpiresActive On ExpiresDefault A0 # Set up caching on media files for 1 year forever FilesMatch . flv ico pdf avi mov ppt..

CodeIgniter - Loading CSS


href php echo base_url css moorainbow.css type text css media screen head body And call it like this load view 'header' this..

Utility of HTTP header “Content-Type: application/force-download” for mobile?


working on a PHP script that allows you to download media contents video audio pictures... from your mobile device by.. but an error occured on my old mobile Samsung C3050. The media I wanted to download was just an audio mp3 file that I usually.. do save to disk . Use the correct mime type for whatever media you are using e.g. audio mpeg for mp3 . Use the Content Disposition..

Undefined index: username in C:\wamp\www\Website\storeadmin\admin_login.php..and the same for password [closed]


link rel stylesheet href .. style style.css type text css media screen head body div id mainWrapper php include_once .. template_header.php.. link rel stylesheet href .. style style.css type text css media screen head body div id mainWrapper php include_once .. template_header.php..

Simple XML - Dealing With Colons In Nodes


but it has some nodes which are not readable by Simple XML media thumbnail author flickr profile ... How do I get round this..

What is correct HTTP status code when redirecting to a login page?


most appropriate. The entity format is specified by the media type given in the Content Type header field. Depending upon..

Help Using RegexIterator in PHP


with message 'RecursiveDirectoryIterator __construct media hdmovies1 .Trash 0 Any suggestions php regex iterator spl ..

Simple “Long Polling” example code?


text javascript charset utf 8 script style type text css media screen body background #000 color #fff font size .9em .msg background..

Ajax File Download using Jquery, PHP


is below function ajaxDown '#downloadmsg' .html ' img src media images ajaxloader.gif width 128 height 15 ' '#downloadmsg' .load.. ajaxloader.gif width 128 height 15 ' '#downloadmsg' .load 'media downloads downManager.php file . filequery 'filename' . ftype..

crawling a html page using php?


The courses are listed like this td computer science td td media studeies td Is there a way to do that in PHP instead of me having..

How to use Facebook graph API to retrieve fan photos uploaded to wall of fan page?


other albums... it looks like this http www.facebook.com media set set o.116860675007039 Another note The only way i've come.. stream WHERE source_id 116860675007039 Result attachment media href http www.facebook.com photo.php fbid 1801693052786 set..

eval base64_decode php virus


'rrrrrrrrr' 'magent' 'download master' 'drupal.org' 'vlc media player' 'vvrkimsjuwly l3ufmjrx' 'szn image resizer' 'bdbrandprotect.com'.. basically close the door to your site before you do your remedial work. This will prevent visitors getting malicious code seeing..

Stop people uploading malicious PHP files via forms


run Confident Instead store file details such as name and media type in the database and use the primary key as a name in your.. what many webmail services do. In summary user submitted media content is a problem. In summary of the summary AAAARRRRRRRGGGGHHH...

PHP - urlencode vs rawurlencode?


and for protecting URLs from being mangled by transmission media with character conversions like some email systems . Note on.. is the same way as in application x www form urlencoded media type. This differs from the » RFC 3986 encoding see rawurlencode..

Best practice for conducting a Magento update? [closed]


ide created project files from git. YOu don't need all Media and cached files and files that are different in each server..

PHP Upload - 500 Internal Server Error


of this problem When uploading files larger ones using the Media Wiki that I have on the server I receive the same error this..

Making a large processing job smaller


id3 options options array version 3.0 encoding Zend_Media_Id3_Encoding ISO88591 compat true path to collection path APPLICATION_PATH.. path to collection path APPLICATION_PATH . ' .. public Media Music ' Currently Approx 2000 files inner iterator dir new RecursiveDirectoryIterator.. current results accepted path no errors id3 new Zend_Media_Id3v2 filePath options foreach id3 getFramesByIdentifier T..

How to get the browser to cache images, with php?


file does resultat mysql_query SELECT filename id FROM Media WHERE id ' . _GET 'id' . ' data mysql_fetch_assoc resultat .....

RSS XML Parsing issue (How to get media content value from the RSS feed?) [duplicate]


schemas media 0.1.0 channel title flow Media Catalog title link http catalog.flownetworks.com catalogs 1.. flow_media_current.png url title Get to know flow Media title link http www.flow media.com link image generator flow.. link http www.flow media.com link image generator flow Media generator item title .. title link .. link description .. description..

reliable user browser detection with php


MSIE 7.0 Windows NT 6.0 SLCC1 .NET CLR 2.0.50727 Media Center PC 5.0 .NET CLR 3.5.30729 .NET CLR 3.0.30618 Safari gave..

Correct content type HTTP header for JSON [duplicate]


Best practice to upload files in CakePHP


share improve this question You might consider using the Media plugin that was talked about at the last CakeFest. It is fairly.. CakePHP FileUpload Plugin 2.0 branch bmcclure CakePHP Media Plugin 2.0 branch davidpersson media 1.3.x only jrbasso MeioUpload..

content type 'text/xml; charset=utf-8' was not the expected type 'application/soap+xml; charset=utf-8'


parameters are described in A. The application soap xml Media Type . The SOAP server you are using is not complaint with the..

PHP: How to read “Title” of font from .ttf file?


Jason Arencibia @version 0.2 @copyright c 2006 GrayTap Media @website http www.graytap.com @license GPL 2.0 @access public..

CakePHP Media Plugin Issue - undefined method MIME_Type::config()


Media Plugin Issue undefined method MIME_Type config I am using the.. Issue undefined method MIME_Type config I am using the Media plugin by David Persson for CakePHP https github.com davidpersson..

POST jpeg upload with AFNetworking


Too Large' 414 'Request URI Too Long' 415 'Unsupported Media Type' 416 'Requested Range Not Satisfiable' 417 'Expectation..

PHP - Referer redirect script


7.0 Windows NT 5.1 .NET CLR 1.0.3705 .NET CLR 1.1.4322 Media Center PC 4.0 ' process curl_init url curl_setopt process CURLOPT_HTTPHEADER..