

php Programming Glossary: meet

How do I correctly install PHPUnit with PEAR?


YAML an older version 1.0.6 will be installed that doesn't meet the dependency of PHPUnit. How can I possibly solve this php..

PHP Regex for human names


try to validate names one day or another your code will meet a name that it thinks is wrong ... And how do you think one..

What technology (asp, php, joomla, rails, grails…) for a website from scratch?


scratch I am starting up a new website that will need to meet the following requirements Performance and Scalability I am..

Am I correctly supporting UTF-8 in my PHP apps?


is of little to no use on the Web. But you occasionally meet it in saved files usually ones saved by Windows users who have..

Change “HUE” of an image with PHP GD Library?


below to recolor my images but the function fails to meet my needs due to the fact that it completely repaints the image..

Choosing a thumbnail from an external link


image_sizes this image_sizes images Find the images that meet the minimum size for i 0 i count image_sizes i if image_sizes..

tripledes encryption not yielding same results in PHP and C#


String key ShHhd8a08JhJiho98ayslcjh String message Let us meet at 9 o'clock at the secret place. String encryption Encrypt.. W WFlksR php key ShHhd8a08JhJiho98ayslcjh input Let us meet at 9 o'clock at the secret place. td mcrypt_module_open 'tripledes'.. text . str_repeat chr pad pad input pkcs7_pad Let us meet at 9 o'clock at the secret place. 16 Alternatively you should..

PHP: Creating Extensible CMS System


we'd have to do something far far more complex to actually meet customer requirements. Rebuilding the rough plan was the single..

How should I choose an authentication library for CodeIgniter?


your web application. If an authentication library doesn't meet these security standards 100 DO NOT USE IT Recent high profile..

How to use MAMP's version of PHP instead of the default on OSX


to upgrade your OS. There is an alternative that may meet your needs. You can create an alias to your copy of MAMP's php..

PHP: Filter array


would like to delete all elements from an array that don't meet some condition. For example I have this 2D array 'UK' '12' 'Sus'..

Creating multiple pages from sql query


improve this question Most pagination examples fail to meet real life requirements. A custom query string for example. So..

Saving HABTM with extra fields?


HABTM is over sold. A lot of the times it fails to meet the needs such as when you have additional data to store. You'll..

How do I detect non-ASCII characters in a string?


string that contains at least one character that does not meet these specifications either non printable ASCII or a different..

PHP strtotime +1 month behaviour


alot in PHP bug reports what day will it be if I say we meet in a month from now or something like that. The answer is if..

PHP: How can I block direct URL access to a file, but still allow it to be downloaded by logged in users?


php script access but neither answer all my questions to meet my criteria. What am I missing php .htaccess access control..

Symfony2 conceptual issue: general bundles vs. specific ones


specific bundles are interdependent anyway. When people meet the idea of bundles for the first time one of the main thought..

How to use php serialize() and unserialize()


My problem is very basic. I did not find any example to meet my needs as to what exactly serialize and unserialize mean in..

Figuring out the exact key created by PHP's mcrypt


to 128 bits in PHP key abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz data Meet me at 11 o'clock behind the monument. crypttext mcrypt_encrypt.. MODE_ECB print cipher decrypt pack 'H ' crypttext # prints Meet me at 11 o'clock behind the monument. Or you can switch to a.. 'H ' key MODE_ECB pack 'H ' crypttext 256 256 # prints Meet me at 11 o'clock behind the monument. share improve this answer..

How to extract a file extension in PHP?


right now . In fact it does exist but few people know it. Meet pathinfo ext pathinfo filename PATHINFO_EXTENSION This is fast..

Sending SMS from PHP [closed]


xxxxx password xxxxx api_id xxxxx to 448311234567 text Meet me at home You can also test the gateway incoming and outgoing..

AES-256 encryption in PHP


key_size strlen key echo Key size . key_size . n text Meet me at 11 o'clock behind the monument. echo strlen text . n crypttext..

Indented list to multidimensional array


1 Images Product 2 Product 2 Images Where to Buy About Us Meet the Team Careers Contact Us Ideally I'd like to feed this into.. 2 Images' array 'Where to Buy' array 'About Us' array 'Meet the Team' array 'Careers' array 'Contact Us' array I'm confused.. 1 Images Product 2 Product 2 Images Where to Buy About Us Meet the Team Careers Contact Us' function helper list indentation..