

php Programming Glossary: measured

Real max_execution_time for PHP on linux


has been running. This is not true on Windows where the measured time is real. This is confirmed by testing Will not time out..

Limit execution time of an function or command PHP


finding common prefix of array of strings


functions into the functions where iterations occur and measured the number of CLI line output via php script with strCommonPrefixByStr..

MAX_FILE_SIZE in PHP - what's the point?


I noticed this message The MAX_FILE_SIZE hidden field measured in bytes must precede the file input field and its value is..

PHP exec() performance


PHP code does return me a runtime of about 3.5 seconds measured multiple times and averaged starttime microtime true exec '.. a ssh terminal the runtime is reduced to about 0.6 seconds measured with the command line tool time . The version of the imagemagick..

What is the best practice to export canvas with high quality images?


doesn't matter at all when dealing with images. Images are measured in pixels so this is what you need to adjust. You can safely.. same. The reason as already mentioned is that images are measured in pixels. DPI is an arbitrary value when it comes to pixel..

Maximum number of cookies allowed


rfc at least 300 cookies at least 4096 bytes per cookie as measured by the size of the characters that comprise the cookie non terminal..

How to get the execution time of a MySQL query from PHP? [duplicate]


returns the string msec sec where sec is the current time measured in the number of seconds since the Unix Epoch 0 00 00 January..

Memory optimization in PHP array


Standard array 218 756 848 SplFixedArray 92 914 208 as measured by memory_get_peak_usage array new SplFixedArray 1024 1024 array..