

java Programming Glossary: getsize

Java: maintaining aspect ratio of JPanel background image


static double getScaleFactor int iMasterSize int iTargetSize double dScale 1 if iMasterSize iTargetSize dScale double iTargetSize.. int iTargetSize double dScale 1 if iMasterSize iTargetSize dScale double iTargetSize double iMasterSize else dScale double.. dScale 1 if iMasterSize iTargetSize dScale double iTargetSize double iMasterSize else dScale double iTargetSize double iMasterSize..

the images are not loading


memory to the graphics and anotherImage object int dx getSize .width int dy getSize .height System.out.println x value is.. and anotherImage object int dx getSize .width int dy getSize .height System.out.println x value is dx dy value is dy bImage.. edges new Rectangle 0 getInsets .left 0 getInsets .top getSize .width getInsets .left getInsets .right getSize .height getInsets..

Java Bouncing Ball


x random width int y random height Dimension size ball.getSize if x size.width width x width size.width if y size.height.. Point speed ball.getSpeed Dimension size ball.getSize int vx speed.x int vy speed.y int x p.x int y p.y if x vx 0.. 10 random 20 size new Dimension 30 30 public Dimension getSize return size public void setColor Color color this.color color..

How to fill data in a JTable with database?


public Row Object values this.values values public int getSize return values.length public Object getValue int i return values..

How are Java interfaces actually used?


interface IBox public void setSize int size public int getSize public int getArea ...and so on And I have a class that implements..

How to make an image move while listening to a keypress in Java.


directionX if nextX 0 nextX 0 directionX 1 if nextX getSize .width parent.getSize .width nextX parent.getSize .width getSize.. 0 nextX 0 directionX 1 if nextX getSize .width parent.getSize .width nextX parent.getSize .width getSize .width directionX.. nextX getSize .width parent.getSize .width nextX parent.getSize .width getSize .width directionX 1 Determine next Y position..

Drawing rectangles on a JPanel


minimum size of both frame and component setMinimumSize getSize setVisible true public static void main String args CustomComponent.. void paintComponent Graphics g int margin 10 Dimension dim getSize super.paintComponent g g.setColor Color.red g.fillRect margin..

Exporting JUNG graphs to hi-res images (preferably vector based)


String filename Dimension loDims getGraphLayout .getSize Dimension vsDims getSize int width vsDims.width int height vsDims.height.. Dimension loDims getGraphLayout .getSize Dimension vsDims getSize int width vsDims.width int height vsDims.height Color bg getBackground..

Drawing rectangle on a JPanel


public void paint Graphics g Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g w getSize .width h getSize .height if clip Ellipse2D e new Ellipse2D.Float.. Graphics g Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g w getSize .width h getSize .height if clip Ellipse2D e new Ellipse2D.Float w 4.0f h 4.0f..