java Programming Glossary: getsession
Java Play! 2 - User management with cookies username .value public class Secured public static Session getSession return Context.current .session public static String getUsername.. .session public static String getUsername return getSession .get username public static boolean isAuthorized throws Exception..
How can I manually load a Java session using a JSESSIONID? final HttpSessionEvent se final HttpSession session se.getSession final ServletContext context session.getServletContext context.setAttribute.. final HttpSessionEvent se final HttpSession session se.getSession final ServletContext context session.getServletContext context.removeAttribute.. servlet to resolve the session by id private HttpSession getSession final String sessionId final ServletContext context getServletContext..
Dependency Injection in Struts2 Accessing Session Scoped Beans Session session this.session session public Session getSession return session private Map String String myMap new HashMap String.. SessionMap String T sessionMap SessionMap String T context.getSession if sessionMap null sessionMap new SessionMap String T ServletActionContext.getRequest..
Passing parameter to Cassandra CQL query using DataStax client using a prepared statements. PreparedStatement statement getSession .prepare INSERT INTO pixelstore.image image_name upload_time..
Can I turn off the HttpSession in web.xml? do is to just not to get a handle of it by either request.getSession or request.getSession true anywhere in your webapplication's.. get a handle of it by either request.getSession or request.getSession true anywhere in your webapplication's code and making sure.. If you want to hardcode in your webapplication so that getSession never returns a HttpSession or an empty HttpSession then you'll..
Querying ManyToMany relationship with Hibernate Criteria licenceClass i some elements dl.licenceClasses Query query getSession .createQuery hqlString for int i 0 i licenceClasses.size i query.setParameter..
How to check if session exists or not? am creating the session using HttpSession session request.getSession Before creating session I want to check if it exists or not... share improve this question There is a function request.getSession boolean create Parameters create true to create a new session.. current session Thus you can simply pass false to tell the getSession to return null if the session does not exist. share improve..
Hibernate noob fetch join problem d new RunTests4 d.run3 public void run3 Session session getSession session.beginTransaction createEntities session session.getTransaction.. System.out.println NOW WITH A NEW TRANSACTION session getSession session.beginTransaction Query query session.createQuery from.. new A B b new B a.setB b a public Session getSession if sessionFactory null AnnotationConfiguration config new AnnotationConfiguration..
What is a IncompatibleClassChangeError exception in Java? c.setContrat new Contrat Session session HibernateUtil.getSession session.beginTransaction c session.getTransaction.. new ExceptionInInitializerError ex public static Session getSession throws HibernateException return sessionFactory.openSession..
HQL - row identifier for pagination with hql query. int elementsPerBlock 10 int page 2 return getSession .createQuery from SomeItems order by id asc .setFirstResult..
Sessions in struts2 application method stub0 this.session session public HttpSession getSession return session public String getLoginStatus session request.getSession.. session public String getLoginStatus session request.getSession session.setAttribute userName loginBean.getUsername return SUCCESS.. Map String Object session ActionContext.getContext .getSession sb feel free to change this to some other type of an object..
Hibernate and no PK identity and you can make a call as normal Query fooQuery getSession .createQuery from Foo Hope this helps first timers with getting..