

java Programming Glossary: getsource

How to parse Sub JSONArray and display image?


catch block e.printStackTrace public ArrayList Data getSource return mDataSource Third define a task download image by url.. parser new Parser getJSONfromURL url mSource parser.getSource Message msg mHandler.obtainMessage mHandler.sendMessage msg..

Update graph with JFreeChart and slider


javax.swing.event.ChangeEvent evt int ndt JSlider evt. getSource . getValue System.out.println Slider1 JSlider evt. getSource.. . getValue System.out.println Slider1 JSlider evt. getSource . getValue dataSetGen ndt int a 0 jc.fireChartChanged private..

Nested generic in a generic class


Double class EventThing Foobar public Foobar getSource public Double getValue So I write this class EventThing T extends.. this class EventThing T extends AbstractThing U public T getSource public U getValue But java can not resolve the U . With EventThing..

How to find a button source in AWT (calculator homework)


We were asked to make a simple GUI calculator I used getSource to detect the buttons cause that's what they taught us. It works.. calculator. so how do i get the value of each button using getSource like when I press button 1 and 2 is equal to 3. heres what ive.. void actionPerformed ActionEvent ae Object source ae.getSource double num1 num2 result 0.0 if tf1.getText null tf2.getText..