java Programming Glossary: getrandomcolor
How to make line animation smoother? 10 1 5 dx dx 0 1 dx dy dy 0 1 dy foreground getRandomColor backColor getRandomColor protected int getRandomNumber int.. 0 1 dx dy dy 0 1 dy foreground getRandomColor backColor getRandomColor protected int getRandomNumber int range return int Math.round.. return int Math.round Math.random range protected Color getRandomColor return new Color getRandomNumber 255 getRandomNumber 255 getRandomNumber..
JLayeredPane and painting this.setSize 600 400 class MyPanel1 extends JPanel Color getRandomColor int r int 256 Math.random int g int 256 Math.random int b.. g Graphics2D g2d Graphics2D g g2d.setColor getRandomColor g2d.fillRoundRect 30 30 60 60 5 5 class MyPanel2 extends JPanel.. 30 30 60 60 5 5 class MyPanel2 extends JPanel Color getRandomColor int r int 256 Math.random int g int 256 Math.random int b..