

java Programming Glossary: getpetsinternal

parameterizing object properties


mappedBy owner private Set Pet pets protected Set Pet getPetsInternal if this.pets null this.pets new HashSet Pet return this.pets.. List Pet getPets List Pet sortedPets new ArrayList Pet getPetsInternal PropertyComparator.sort sortedPets new MutableSortDefinition.. returning data to page. public void parsePets for Pet pet getPetsInternal if cat .equals pet.getType .getName cats.add pet public getCats..

BeanCreationException after adding two variables


of pets as follows public void parsePets for Pet pet getPetsInternal if pet.getType .getName .equals cat cats.add pet else if pet.getType.. .getName .equals dog dogs.add pet protected Set Pet getPetsInternal if this.pets null this.pets new HashSet Pet return this.pets.. returning data to page. public void parsePets for Pet pet getPetsInternal if pet.getType .getName .equals cat cats.add pet System.out.println..