

java Programming Glossary: getresult

java get file size efficiently


public enum FileSizeBench LENGTH @Override public long getResult throws Exception File me new File FileSizeBench.class.getResource.. .getFile return me.length CHANNEL @Override public long getResult throws Exception FileInputStream fis null try File me new File.. .size finally fis.close URL @Override public long getResult throws Exception InputStream stream null try URL url FileSizeBench.class..

Why use a ReentrantLock if one can use synchronized(this)?


private static List Integer ints public Integer getResult String name . . . lock.lock try if ints.size 3 ints null return..

Is Jackson really unable to deserialize json into a generic type?


public AgentResponse T result this.result result public T getResult return result JSON input result first client id 3 test mail.. @JsonProperty result T result this.result result public T getResult return result Without the @JsonCreator annotation Jackson cannot..

How to use relative paths without including the context root name?


Connecting to oracle in android


SQLException e Log.d tag e.getMessage public ResultSet getResult throws SQLException ResultSet rset stmt.executeQuery select.. ConnectOra db new ConnectOra ResultSet rs db.getResult ArrayList String list new ArrayList String while rs.next list.add..

Java Collections using wildcard


list as a result interface ITest T extends IResult List T getResult class ATest implements ITest AResult look overridden List AResult.. implements ITest AResult look overridden List AResult getResult class BTest implements ITest BResult overridden again List BResult.. implements ITest BResult overridden again List BResult getResult It's a good solution when you need covariant returns but you..