java Programming Glossary: getrowcount
How to implement auto complete functionality in a cell in JTable? return columnNames.length @Override public int getRowCount return data.length @Override public String getColumnName int.. printDebugData private void printDebugData int numRows getRowCount int numCols getColumnCount for int i 0 i numRows i System.out.print..
How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable dm ButtonGroup group new ButtonGroup for int row 0 row dm.getRowCount row JRadioButton radio JRadioButton dm.getValueAt row 0 group.add.. int columnCount table.getColumnCount int rowCount table.getRowCount int preferredHeights new int columnCount rowCount TableCellRenderer.. fireTableRowsDeleted aRowIndex aRowIndex public int getRowCount return theEntries.size @Override public String getColumnName..
Adding jRadioButton into jTable public int getColumnCount return 2 @Override public int getRowCount return manager.getObjects .size public MyObject getValueAt..
JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously col getColumnModel .getColumn 0 for int row 0 row getRowCount row Component c prepareRenderer col.getCellRenderer row 0 ..
Java, change a cell content as a function of another cell in the same row public void add Double d data.add d @Override public int getRowCount return data.size @Override public int getColumnCount return..
Get Selected Rows in JTable using AbstractTableModel selectedRows new ArrayList Integer for int i 0 i table.getRowCount i if Boolean table.getValuAt i 0 selectedRows.add i The problem.. i rows i rowList.add Boolean.FALSE @Override public int getRowCount return rows @Override public int getColumnCount return 2..
How to fill data in a JTable with database? rsmd this.rsmd rsmd this.rows new ArrayList Row public int getRowCount return rows.size public int getColumnCount return rsmd.getColumnCount..
Putting JComboBox into JTable MyModel extends AbstractTableModel List rows public int getRowCount return rows.size public int getColumnCount return 4 public Object..
How to make a JButton in a JTable cell click-able? public int getColumnCount return 1 @Override public int getRowCount return records.size @Override public Object getValueAt int..
Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering return columnNames.length @Override public int getRowCount return data.length @Override public String getColumnName int.. printDebugData private void printDebugData int numRows getRowCount int numCols getColumnCount for int i 0 i numRows i System.out.print..
refreshing background color for a row in jtable c public void resetColor Color color for int i 0 i this.getRowCount i this.setRowColor i color I simply added the method resetColor.. return this.colNames.get colNum @Override public int getRowCount return @Override public Object getValueAt int..
Using setValueAt to recreate mutually exclusive check boxes aValue int row int col if col CHECK_COL for int r 0 r getRowCount r super.setValueAt false r CHECK_COL super.setValueAt aValue.. private boolean any boolean result false for int r 0 r getRowCount r Boolean b Boolean getValueAt r CHECK_COL result b return..
JTable with titled rows and columns JTableRowHeader table new JTable 4 4 for int i 0 i table.getRowCount i table.setValueAt i i 0 sorter new TableRowSorter TableModel.. int row int col return false @Override public int getRowCount return table.getRowCount @Override public Class getColumnClass.. false @Override public int getRowCount return table.getRowCount @Override public Class getColumnClass int colNum switch colNum..
Put JTable in the JTree final long serialVersionUID 1L @Override public int getRowCount return 2 @Override public int getColumnCount return 2 ..
JTable duplicate values in row return 0 return data.get 0 .size @Override public int getRowCount return data.size @Override public Object getValueAt int rowIndex.. Object getValueAt int rowIndex int columnIndex if rowIndex getRowCount return null if columnIndex getColumnCount return null return.. public int getColumnCount return 2 @Override public int getRowCount return data.size @Override public Object getValueAt int row..