

java Programming Glossary: getstatus

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


add jrb buttonGroup.add jrb return jrb public Status getStatus if theMarriedOption.isSelected return Status.Married else.. getExpirationDate return theExpirationDate public Status getStatus return theStatus public Date getCreationDate return theCreationDate.. 1 return entry.getExpirationDate case 2 return entry.getStatus case 3 return entry.getCreationDate return null private..

Access Enum value using EL with JSTL


String val Status String val this.val val public String getStatus return val I would like to access the value of VALID from a..

BlackBerry class equivalent to AsyncTask?


onCancelled Object result onCancelled public final int getStatus return _status public final boolean isCancelled return _cancelled.. final Object params throws IllegalStateException if getStatus PENDING throw new IllegalStateException An AsyncTask can only..

How can I get the HTTP status code out of a ServletResponse in a ServletFilter?


int sc httpStatus sc super.setStatus sc public int getStatus return httpStatus In order to use this wrapper you need to.. res chain.doFilter req response int status response.getStatus report public void init FilterConfig config throws ServletException..

Serialize form inputs to JSON using Backbone.js


el '.signupForm' events 'click input.submit' 'getStatus' getStatus function event var data JSON.stringify 'form' .serializeObject.. el '.signupForm' events 'click input.submit' 'getStatus' getStatus function event var data JSON.stringify 'form' .serializeObject..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


static final String STATUS STATUS String getText String getStatus void setText String text void setStatus String text void addPropertyChangeListener.. listener @Override public String getStatus return status ShowTextControl class import java.awt.event.ActionEvent.. pcEvt.getPropertyName view.setStatusText model.getStatus In this example I've combined java classes in one file for..

How to serialize and de-serialize objects using JAXB?


void setName String name this.name name public Status getStatus return status public void setStatus Status status this.status.. void setName String name this.name name public Status getStatus return status public void setStatus Status status this.status..

MVC Progress Bar Threading


file new File lock while file.exists setProgress _model.getStatus System.out.println _model.getStatus never called return null.. setProgress _model.getStatus System.out.println _model.getStatus never called return null protected void done updateMain Dummy.. Dummy function defined in Model for testing public int getStatus Random r new Random return r.nextInt java multithreading mvc..

Java JTable change cell color


. I'd then implement a method in my table model called getStatus int row which returns the status for any given row. Then when.. tableModel CustomTableModel table.getModel if tableModel.getStatus row CustomTableModel.APPROVED l.setBackground Color.GREEN else..