java Programming Glossary: getstring
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map i sret menuitemArray.getJSONObject i . getString lattitude .toString System.out.println menuitemArray.getJSONObject.. System.out.println menuitemArray.getJSONObject i .getString lattitude .toString System.out.println menuitemArray.getJSONObject.. System.out.println menuitemArray.getJSONObject i .getString longitude .toString sret menuitemArray.getJSONObject i .getString..
JTextArea appending problems void process String str txtArea.append str protected void getString publish txt java multithreading swing jtextarea swingworker..
Location of String keys in L&F fc Locale l fc.getLocale newFolderErrorText UIManager.getString FileChooser.newFolderErrorText l newFolderErrorSeparator UIManager.getString.. l newFolderErrorSeparator UIManager.getString FileChooser.newFolderErrorSeparator l newFolderParentDoesntExistTitleText.. l newFolderParentDoesntExistTitleText UIManager.getString FileChooser.newFolderParentDoesntExistTitleText l newFolderParentDoesntExistText..
Android: Can't figure how to use setImeActionLabel EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE mSearchInput.setImeActionLabel getString R.string.search_action_label EditorInfo.IME_ACTION_DONE I am..
In GoogleCloudMessaging API, how to handle the renewal or expiration of registration ID? registered regId registrationId displayMessage context getString R.string.gcm_registered ServerUtilities.register context registrationId.. getGCMPreferences context String registrationId prefs.getString PROPERTY_REG_ID if registrationId.length 0 Log.v TAG Registration..
Get an OutputStream into a String throws IOException mBuf.append char byte public String getString return mBuf.toString But is there a better way I only want..
Why is an anonymous inner class containing nothing generated from this code? dummifying private class PrivateInnerClass private String getString return hello PrivateInnerClass public String getStringFromPrivateInner.. getString return hello PrivateInnerClass public String getStringFromPrivateInner return new PrivateInnerClass .getString java.. getStringFromPrivateInner return new PrivateInnerClass .getString java inner classes anonymous class share improve this question..
Can we create an object of an interface? the follwoing interface interface Inter public String getString You can create something like an instance of it like so Inter.. of it like so Inter instance new Inter public String getString return HI Now you have an instance of the interface you defined...
how to retrieve element value of XML using Java? to get value of element requestqueue protected String getString String tagName Element element NodeList list element.getElementsByTagName..
Google Streetview existence function - NOT Javascript .show webView.loadDataWithBaseURL baseurl getString R.string.html_streetview latitude longitude text html UTF 8..
StateListDrawable to switch colorfilters drawable TextView view.findViewById .setText getString label return view In the selected state the image should be.. icon TextView view.findViewById .setText getString label return view I still add the tabs like this Intent fooIntent..
Binary search in a sorted (memory-mapped ?) file in Java fc long position file.length 2 String candidate buffer.getString position while position 0 candidate.equals ' n' candidate buffer.getString.. while position 0 candidate.equals ' n' candidate buffer.getString position have newline position or start of other stuff.. index READ_ONLY start length public String getString long bytePosition int page int bytePosition PAGE_SIZE int index..
Java if ternary operator and Collections.emptyList() the second case public class GenericsTest private String getString return null public List String method String someVariable.. null public List String method String someVariable getString first return type return someVariable null Collections.emptyList..