java Programming Glossary: getstatic
Why volatile in java 5+ doesn't synchronize cached copies of variables with main memory? exception dispatches to 0x021dd7c2 0x021dd775 nop getstatic out Test 1 run@16 line 18 0x021dd776 cmp ecx eax implicit.. mov 0x341b77f8 edx oop 'Test' 0x0226d773 mov 0x154 edx edx getstatic b Test access 0@0 line 3 Test 1 run@10 line 17 0x0226d779.. exception dispatches to 0x0226d7f7 0x0226d795 nop getstatic out Test 1 run@16 line 18 0x0226d796 cmp ecx eax implicit..
length and length() in java class results in the following for the two last lines 20 getstatic #3 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 23 aload_1.. invokevirtual #4 Method java io PrintStream.println I V 28 getstatic #3 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 31 aload_2..
Unreachable code error vs. dead code warning in Java under Eclipse? Method java lang Object. V 4 return public void foo Code 0 getstatic #2 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 3 ldc #3.. Ljava lang StrV 8 return public void bar Code 0 getstatic #2 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 3 ldc #5.. Method java io PrintStream.println Ljava lang String V 8 getstatic #2 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 11 ldc #5..
Is this valid Java? Method f Ljava util List Ljava lang Integer 34 astore_2 35 getstatic #10 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 38 aload_1.. Method java io PrintStream.println Ljava lang String V 42 getstatic #10 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 45 aload_2..
Why does this go into an infinite loop? 4 if_icmpge 22 7 iload_1 8 iinc 1 1 11 istore_1 12 getstatic #2 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 15 iload_1..
Is volatile expensive? 0xb396ce9d mov 0x150 esi ebp 0xb396cea3 mov 0x154 esi edi getstatic l Test2 run@0 line 33 0xb396cea9 cmp ecx ebp 0xb396ceab jne.. 0xb396ceaf 0xb396cead cmp ebx edi 0xb396ceaf je 0xb396cece getstatic l Test2 run@14 line 37 0xb396ceb1 mov 0xfffffffe ecx 0xb396ceb6.. ... lines removed If you look at the 2 references to getstatic the first involves a load from memory the second skips the load..
for loop optimization 1 InterfaceMethod java util List.size I 17 if_icmpge 34 20 getstatic #5 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 23 ldc #6.. 16 istore_3 17 iload_3 18 iload_2 19 if_icmpge 36 22 getstatic #5 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 25 ldc #6..
Accessing Java static final ivar value through reflection bipush 100 2 istore_1 3 ldc #2 String String 5 astore_2 6 getstatic #3 Field CONST_OBJECT Ljava lang Object 9 astore_3 10 ldc_w.. #6 Method java lang reflect Field.setAccessible Z V 46 getstatic #7 Field java lang System.out Ljava io PrintStream 49 new #8..