

java Programming Glossary: getproperty

KSoap2 and KvmSerializable - How to Send complex Objects like Stringarrays


C.CategoryId Integer.parseInt response.getProperty 0 .toString C.Name response.getProperty 1 .toString C.Description.. response.getProperty 0 .toString C.Name response.getProperty 1 .toString C.Description String response.getProperty 2 .toString.. 1 .toString C.Description String response.getProperty 2 .toString TextView tv TextView findViewById R.id.textview1..

Hibernate on Oracle: mapping String property to CLOB column


EDIT 2 In an attempt to find a solution I modified the getProperty annotations as follows which has made no difference @Lob @Type..

Why can't System.setProperty() change the classpath at runtime?


the call. Just to clarify then why these setProperty and getProperty methods are there if they cannot alter it at run time. Or is..

config files for a webapplication - load once and store where?


Config context.getAttribute ATTRIBUTE_NAME public String getProperty String key return config.getProperty key which you register.. public String getProperty String key return config.getProperty key which you register as follows in web.xml listener listener.. getServletContext String property config.getProperty somekey After having a second thought those properties are thus..

Is -Djava.library.path=… equivalent to System.setProperty(“java.library.path”, …)


for returning the new value on future invocations of getProperty . As a rule of thumb using the D command line property works..

JFileChooser, want to lock it to one directory


but did not find anything. The code I have is String getProperty System.getProperty user.home JFileChooser chooser new JFileChooser.. anything. The code I have is String getProperty System.getProperty user.home JFileChooser chooser new JFileChooser getProperty.. user.home JFileChooser chooser new JFileChooser getProperty Dropbox Prosjekt RMI SERVER opens in the directory C Users Thomas..