

java Programming Glossary: getsaslauthentication

XMPP with Java Asmack library supporting X-FACEBOOK-PLATFORM


void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate.. Send the authentication to the server getSASLAuthentication .send new Response authenticationText private Map String String.. void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate..

Problems with connecting to Facebook XMMP MD5-DIGEST


response Send the authentication to the server getSASLAuthentication .send stanza.toString public void challengeReceived String challenge.. Base64.encodeBytes response Base64.DONT_BREAK_LINES getSASLAuthentication .send responseStanza And Connection Function is try SASLAuthentication.registerSASLMechanism.. void authenticate throws IOException XMPPException getSASLAuthentication .send new AuthMechanism NAME @Override public void authenticate..