

java Programming Glossary: getresponse

JUnit test for System.out.println()


a lot of error messages to standard output. When the getResponse String request method behaves correctly it returns a XML response.. String expResult some response some String result instance.getResponse request assertEquals expResult result But when it gets malformed..

Facebook API and Facebook Connect using Java?


down to the bottom to see how to use the TinyFBClient.call getResponse when you need to get information. share improve this answer..

How to set HttpResponse timeout for Android in Java


httpClient.execute method if response null String result getResponse response.getEntity ... When I shut down the server for testing..

HTTP API Request Using Java For Android


RequestMethod.POST JSONObject key new JSONObject c.getResponse return key.getString status Use this class to build your request.. String message private String response public String getResponse return response public String getErrorMessage return message.. public String getErrorMessage return message public int getResponseCode return responseCode public RestClient String url this.url..

How can i programmatically upload a file to a website?


HttpGet httpGet new HttpGet url HttpResponse getResponse httpClient.execute httpGet httpContext Document document Jsoup.parse.. Document document Jsoup.parse EntityUtils.toString getResponse.getEntity String viewStateValue document.select input type hidden..

How to log response content from a java web server


on this response. if outputStream null outputStream getResponse .getOutputStream copier new ServletOutputStreamCopier outputStream.. if writer null copier new ServletOutputStreamCopier getResponse .getOutputStream writer new PrintWriter new OutputStreamWriter.. writer new PrintWriter new OutputStreamWriter copier getResponse .getCharacterEncoding true return writer @Override public void..