

java Programming Glossary: getcontentpane

Waiting for multiple SwingWorkers


InvocationTargetException ex private void createGUI getContentPane .setLayout new FlowLayout JButton startButton new JButton Do.. ae JLabel label new JLabel new Worker label .execute getContentPane .add startButton private class Worker extends SwingWorker Void.. do work return null @Override protected void done getContentPane .remove label getContentPane .revalidate Here is add a label..

Draw a circle with a radius and points around the edge


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE Panel sp new Panel Container content getContentPane content.add sp setContentPane content setVisible true public..

JTable design to synchronize with back-end data-structure


none JScrollPane scrollPane new JScrollPane textArea getContentPane .add scrollPane JButton cancel new JButton Cancel cancel.addActionListener.. buttons new JPanel buttons.add ok buttons.add cancel getContentPane .add buttons BorderLayout.SOUTH pack getRootPane .setDefaultButton.. frame.setDefaultCloseOperation JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE frame.getContentPane .add scrollPane frame.pack frame.setLocationRelativeTo null..

java wait cursor display problem


tabbedPane.addTab Cursor change cursorPanel getContentPane .add tabbedPane setTitle Cursor test setSize 400 400 setDefaultCloseOperation.. tabbedPane.addTab Cursor change cursorPanel getContentPane .add tabbedPane setTitle Cursor test setSize 400 400 setDefaultCloseOperation..

Dynamically Add Components to a JDialog


. @Action public void addNewField Container contentPane getContentPane JLabel label new JLabel welkom contentPane.add label BorderLayout.CENTER.. System.out.println New Field... Container contentPane getContentPane JLabel label new JLabel welcome label.setBounds 10 10 100 10..

How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell


JFrame.EXIT_ON_CLOSE Container container getContentPane MAIN Panel final JPanel main new JPanel main.setLayout new GridBagLayout..

Inconsistent performance applying ForegroundActions in a JEditorPane when reading HTML


new JEditorPane editorPane.setContentType text HTML getContentPane .add editorPane BorderLayout.CENTER editorPane.setEditorKit.. bar.add editorPane.getActionMap .get RedColor .setText Red getContentPane .add bar BorderLayout.NORTH setSize 650 600 setVisible true..

How to change text color in the JtextArea?


Over Color.MAGENTA appendToPane tPane flow Color.ORANGE getContentPane .add topPanel pack setVisible true private void appendToPane..