

java Programming Glossary: getcode

javax.xml.bind.JAXBException: Class *** nor any of its super class is known to this context


String message private Object payload public MessageCode getCode return code public void setCode MessageCode code this.code code..

jsp useBean is NULL by getAttribute by servlet


String code private String description public String getCode return code public void setCode String code this.code code public.. this odd _ in the end However it'll contain nothing. The getCode and getDescription will return null . The jsp setProperty has..

How to serialize and de-serialize objects using JAXB?


code Status String code this.code code public String getCode return code com.school.Student package com.school public class.. code Status String code this.code code public String getCode return code com.example.Demo package com.example import javax.xml.bind.JAXBContext..

Java enum reverse look-up best practice


was a reasonable way to do a reverse lookup using the getCode int in a Java enum public enum Status WAITING 0 READY 1 SKIPPED.. for Status s EnumSet.allOf Status.class lookup.put s.getCode s private int code private Status int code this.code code public.. int code private Status int code this.code code public int getCode return code public static Status get int code return lookup.get..

Can someone please explain mappedBy in hibernate?


@Column name CODE nullable false length 3 public String getCode return code public void setCode String code this.code DAOUtil.convertToDBString..