

java Programming Glossary: getcomponent

JList with categories


c2 gbc gbc.anchor GridBagConstraints.CENTER private JPanel getComponent JPanel panel new JPanel new GridBagLayout GridBagConstraints.. f.getContentPane .add new JScrollPane test.getComponent f.setSize 360 500 f.setLocation 200 100 f.setVisible true class..

validate a table's cell using editors


editor new DefaultCellEditor new JTextField getComponent .setInputVerifier iv @Override public boolean stopCellEditing.. public boolean stopCellEditing if iv.shouldYieldFocus getComponent return false return super.stopCellEditing @Override public JTextField.. return super.stopCellEditing @Override public JTextField getComponent return JTextField super.getComponent JTable table new JTable..

Animations when using Gridbag Layout.


doLayout... mapStart new HashMap parent.getComponentCount for Component comp parent.getComponents mapStart.put.. parent.getComponentCount for Component comp parent.getComponents mapStart.put comp Rectangle comp.getBounds .clone proxy.layoutContainer.. new LayoutConstraints for Component comp parent.getComponents Rectangle bounds comp.getBounds Rectangle startBounds mapStart.get..

Making a single component full screen


this panel.add button public JComponent getComponent return panel @Override public void actionPerformed ActionEvent.. JFrame.DO_NOTHING_ON_CLOSE f.add new FSPanel Center .getComponent BorderLayout.CENTER f.add new FSPanel North .getComponent BorderLayout.NORTH.. .getComponent BorderLayout.CENTER f.add new FSPanel North .getComponent BorderLayout.NORTH f.add new FSPanel South .getComponent BorderLayout.SOUTH..

Using a JFileChooser with Swing GUI classes and listeners


BorderLayout.CENTER frame.getContentPane .add statusBar.getComponent BorderLayout.PAGE_END frame.setJMenuBar menuBar @Override public.. Color.black public JComponent getComponent return label public void setText String text label.setText STATUS..