java Programming Glossary: get
Why JSF calls getters multiple times JSF calls getters multiple times Let's say I specify an outputText component.. ManagedBean.someProperty If I print a log message when the getter for someProperty is called and load the page it is trivial.. called and load the page it is trivial to notice that the getter is being called more than once per request twice or three..
How to upload files to server using JSP/Servlet? type file name file input type submit form However I only get the file name not the file content. When I add enctype multipart.. I add enctype multipart form data to the form then request.getParameter returns null . During research I stumbled upon Apache.. enctype of application x www form urlencoded . The request.getParameter and consorts would all return null when using multipart..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? Accept Charset charset InputStream response connection.getInputStream ... Any query string should be concatenated to the.. and the parameters will be available by HttpServletRequest#getParameter . Firing a HTTP POST request with query parameters.. urlencoded charset charset OutputStream output connection.getOutputStream try output.write query.getBytes charset finally..
Download a file with Android, and showing the progress in a ProgressDialog I am trying to write a simple application that gets updated. For this I need a simple function that can download.. during download PowerManager pm PowerManager context.getSystemService Context.POWER_SERVICE PowerManager.WakeLock wl.. wl pm.newWakeLock PowerManager.PARTIAL_WAKE_LOCK getClass .getName wl.acquire try InputStream input null OutputStream..
How do servlets work? Instantiation, session variables and multithreading For information passing among those servlets I am getting the servlet context and setting session variables. Now if.. n users accessing a particular servlet then this servlet gets instantiated only the first time the first user accessed it.. only the first time the first user accessed it or does it get instantiated for all the users separately java multithreading..
How to avoid Java Code in JSP-Files? that something like the following three lines x 1 request.getParameter name counter is an oldschool way of coding and in JSP.. if scriptlet throws an exception halfway all you get is a blank page. Testability scriptlets are not unit testable... IOException if HttpServletRequest request .getSession .getAttribute user null HttpServletResponse response..
Generating random numbers in a range with Java 1 . Notice this range does not include the 1. In order to get a specific range of values first you need to multiply by the.. need to shift this range up to the range that you are targeting. You do this by adding the Min value. Min Math.random Max.. adding the Min value. Min Math.random Max Min You now will get a value in the range Min Max . Following our example that means..
How to use Servlets and Ajax? and assign the following function to its click event... .get 'someservlet' function responseText Execute Ajax GET request.. UTF 8 You want world domination huh response.getWriter .write text Write response body. Map this servlet in web.xml.. press the button. You'll see that the content of the div get updated with the servlet response. With JSON instead of plaintext..
How to add JTable in JPanel of nested layouts putting one layout inside another to get complex effects. The following code puts a variety of components.. 3 3 final UIManager.LookAndFeelInfo plafInfos UIManager.getInstalledLookAndFeels String plafNames new String plafInfos.length.. ii 0 ii plafInfos.length ii plafNames ii plafInfos ii .getName final JComboBox plafChooser new JComboBox plafNames plafComponents.add..
Java String.equals versus == [duplicate] got some tokens in the datos array otherwise you'll get an array out of bounds exception. share improve this answer..
Get current stack trace in Java current stack trace in Java Something like Environment.StackTrace..
Get Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener Edited TreeNode from a CellEditorListener Earlier I asked how..
Get a List of all Threads currently running in Java a List of all Threads currently running in Java Is there any..
How can I enumerate all classes in a package and add them to a List? pkg.getName ArrayList Class classes new ArrayList Class Get a File object for the package File directory null String fullPath.. Directory directory if directory null directory.exists Get the list of the files contained in the package String files..
Get generic type of java.util.List generic type of java.util.List I have List String stringList..
Secure HTTP Post in Android pretty basic helper class that I'm using to do all my Http Get Post stuff. I'm using HttpGet HttpPost and HttpClient from the.. I'm using to do all my Http Get Post stuff. I'm using HttpGet HttpPost and HttpClient from the org.apache.http library. All.. import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpGet import org.apache.http.client.methods.HttpPost import org.apache.http.client.params.ClientPNames..
Using Java to get OS-level system information Total memory bytes Runtime.getRuntime .totalMemory Get a list of all filesystem roots on this system File roots File.listRoots..
How to read XML using XPath in Java XML according to my requirement. here is what I want to do Get XML file from online via its URL then use XPath to parse it..
Service discovery failed exception using Bluetooth on Android with a device to connect if resultCode Activity.RESULT_OK Get the device MAC address String address data.getExtras .getString.. .getString DeviceListActivity.EXTRA_DEVICE_ADDRESS Get the BLuetoothDevice object BluetoothDevice device m_BluetoothAdapter.getRemoteDevice.. device m_Device device BluetoothSocket tmp null Get a BluetoothSocket for a connection with the given BluetoothDevice..
Get generic type of class at runtime generic type of class at runtime How can i achieve this public..
How do you find all subclasses of a given class in Java? find it quite inefficient to say the least . The method is Get a list of all class names that exist on the class path Load..
Calculate date/time difference in java dateStop catch ParseException e e.printStackTrace Get msec from each and subtract. long diff d2.getTime d1.getTime..
Centering a JLabel on a JPanel For an example see an answer to Stack Overflow question Get rid of the gap between JPanels . This should work. share improve..
How do I get the CellRow when there is an ItemEvent in the JComboBox within the cell 1 @Override public void itemStateChanged ItemEvent e Get the affected item Object item e.getItem if item.toString null..
Android project using httpclient --> http.client (apache), post/get method httpclient http.client apache post get method I'm doing a Get and Post method for an android project and I need to translate.. Thread while making the request for example private class GetBookDataTask extends AsyncTask String Void Void private ProgressDialog.. doInBackground String... urls response httpHelper.performGet urls 0 use the response here if need be parse XML or JSON etc..
Java 256-bit AES Password-Based Encryption not the problem Ie. The KeyGenerator looks like this ... Get the KeyGenerator KeyGenerator kgen KeyGenerator.getInstance..
Add a complex image in the panel, with buttons around it in one customized user interface ii 0 ii w ii step for int jj 0 jj h jj step This is it GET THE SUB IMAGE Image icon bi.getSubimage jj ii step step if..
How to get UTF-8 working in java webapps? to configure that the connector uses UTF 8 to encode url GET request parameters Connector port 8080 maxHttpHeaderSize 8192.. example. This quarantees that Tomcat handles all incoming GET parameters as UTF 8 encoded. As a result when the user writes.. SET utf8 SET path NULL ... RETURN path END DELIMITER GET requests latin1 and UTF 8 If and when it's defined in tomcat's..
What is the difference between JSF, Servlet and JSP? on HTTP requests using the popular HTTP methods such as GET and POST . You can configure HttpServlet s to listen on a certain..
How to use to fire and handle HTTP requests? concatenation operator more than twice. Firing a HTTP GET request with optionally query parameters It's a trivial task... Cookie headers from the response of the login or the first GET request and then pass this through the subsequent requests...
Design Patterns web based applications INF register.jsp WEB INF login.jsp with the appropriate GET and POST actions. The parts register login etc are then available.. actions.put POST login new LoginAction actions.put GET logout new LogoutAction ... Or configurable based on a properties..
How to use Servlets and Ajax? .get 'someservlet' function responseText Execute Ajax GET request on URL of someservlet and execute the following function.. .get 'someservlet' function responseJson Execute Ajax GET request on URL of someservlet and execute the following function.. .get 'someservlet' function responseJson Execute Ajax GET request on URL of someservlet and execute the following function..