

java Programming Glossary: getcolumncount

How to implement auto complete functionality in a cell in JTable?


the above new Integer 20 Boolean.TRUE @Override public int getColumnCount return columnNames.length @Override public int getRowCount.. void printDebugData int numRows getRowCount int numCols getColumnCount for int i 0 i numRows i System.out.print row i for int j..

How to add JRadioButton to group in JTable


columnModel table.getColumnModel int columnCount table.getColumnCount int rowCount table.getRowCount int preferredHeights new int.. int columnIndex return true @Override public int getColumnCount return 4 @Override public Object getValueAt int rowIndex int..

Adding jRadioButton into jTable


fireTableRowsUpdated index index @Override public int getColumnCount return 2 @Override public int getRowCount return manager.getObjects..

Java, change a cell content as a function of another cell in the same row


int getRowCount return data.size @Override public int getColumnCount return 2 @Override public String getColumnName int col if..

Get Selected Rows in JTable using AbstractTableModel


public int getRowCount return rows @Override public int getColumnCount return 2 @Override public String getColumnName int col return..

How to fill data in a JTable with database?


Row public int getRowCount return rows.size public int getColumnCount return rsmd.getColumnCount public Object getValue int row int.. return rows.size public int getColumnCount return rsmd.getColumnCount public Object getValue int row int column return rows.get row..

Putting JComboBox into JTable


rows public int getRowCount return rows.size public int getColumnCount return 4 public Object getValueAt int row int column return..

How to make a JButton in a JTable cell click-able?


Record records new ArrayList Record @Override public int getColumnCount return 1 @Override public int getRowCount return records.size..

problem formatting fields in a JTable - differences between Integer and Double


getRowCount return this.datas.size @Override public int getColumnCount return this.getTypeArray .length @Override public Object getValueAt.. keysIndexList this.getKeysColumnIndex for int i 0 i this.getColumnCount i if i col newRow.add value else if keysIndexList.contains.. getRowCount return this.datas.size @Override public int getColumnCount return this.getTypeArray .length @Override public Object getValueAt..

How to implement dynamic GUI in swing


static final long serialVersionUID 1L @Override public int getColumnCount return 1 public void addRow super.addRow new Object new Comp..

Highlights subString in the TableCell(s) which is using for JTable filetering


Milne Pool new Integer 10 false @Override public int getColumnCount return columnNames.length @Override public int getRowCount.. void printDebugData int numRows getRowCount int numCols getColumnCount for int i 0 i numRows i System.out.print row i for int j..

refreshing background color for a row in jtable


row 1 data.size 1 @Override public int getColumnCount return this.colNames.size @Override public Class getColumnClass..

JTable with titled rows and columns


static final long serialVersionUID 1L @Override public int getColumnCount return 1 @Override public boolean isCellEditable int row int..

Put JTable in the JTree


public int getRowCount return 2 @Override public int getColumnCount return 2 @Override public Object getValueAt int row int..

JTable duplicate values in row


data new ArrayList ArrayList String @Override public int getColumnCount if data.isEmpty return 0 return data.get 0 .size @Override public.. if rowIndex getRowCount return null if columnIndex getColumnCount return null return data.get rowIndex .get columnIndex public.. 0 return Key else return Value @Override public int getColumnCount return 2 @Override public int getRowCount return data.size..