java Programming Glossary: gesture
Java - How to drag and drop JPanel with its components a JPanel as the content to be dragged. This allows the gesture handler to become self managed. public class DragGestureHandler..
How do I know if an item of an auto-complete decorated JComboBox is mouse clicked? at the wrong tree In this context the mouse vs. keyboard gesture have indeed different semantics keyboard typing in the editor..
Is JOptionPane.showMessageDialog thread safe? processing in response to an event generated from a user gesture. For example clicking on a JButton notifies all ActionListeners.. added to the JButton. As all events generated from a user gesture are dispatched on the event dispatching thread most developers..
How to do Gesture Recognition using Accelerometers using Accelerometers My goal is to recognize simple gestures from accelerometers mounted on a sun spot. A gesture could.. gestures from accelerometers mounted on a sun spot. A gesture could be as simple as rotating the device or moving the device.. a comment. java embedded accelerometer android sensors gesture recognition share improve this question The accelerometers..
Java - how to receive point coordinates after mouse button release (JFreeChart) As shown here ChartPanel uses the click drag release gesture to handle zooming setMouseZoomable false doesn't change that...
Double Tap -> Zoom on Android MapView?
How to set unit for Paint.setTextSize() share improve this question Convert it like this The gesture threshold expressed in dip private static final float GESTURE_THRESHOLD_DIP..
Detect fling gesture over clickable items fling gesture over clickable items Imagine a layout with 4 buttons _______________________________.. ________________ I'd like to detect the fling gesture over the whole layout but when the fling starts over a button.. savedInstanceState setContentView R.layout.main gesturedetector new GestureDetector this this findViewById