

java Programming Glossary: getbounds

how to set JFrame background transparent but JPanel or JLabel Background opaque?


0.5f g2d.setColor getBackground g2d.fill getBounds g2d.dispose I'm sorry for my earlier answer but I hope this..

Java ball object doesn't bounce off of drawn rectangles like it's supposed to.


public void actionPerformed ActionEvent e ball.move getBounds world invalidate repaint timer.setRepeats true timer.setCoalesce.. move Rectangle world Rectangle collision Rectangle bounds getBounds bounds.x dx bounds.y dy if bounds.x 0 bounds.x 0 dx 1 if..

How to make line animation smoother?


AnimationCanvas public void updateState public Rectangle getBounds public static interface AnimationModel public void update AnimationCanvas.. bounds new Rectangle 10 10 Rectangle canvasBounds canvas.getBounds bounds.x canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width bounds.width 2 bounds.y.. bounds.x dx bounds.y dy Rectangle canvasBounds canvas.getBounds if bounds.x bounds.width canvasBounds.x canvasBounds.width..

Java rectangle collision detection confusion


2 rectangles using the following code public Rectangle getBounds return new Rectangle x y width height 1 for the player and 1..

Animations when using Gridbag Layout.


parent.getComponents mapStart.put comp Rectangle comp.getBounds .clone proxy.layoutContainer parent LayoutConstraints constraints.. Component comp parent.getComponents Rectangle bounds comp.getBounds Rectangle startBounds mapStart.get comp if mapStart.get comp.. void add Component comp Rectangle startBounds Rectangle targetBounds add new AnimationBounds comp startBounds targetBounds public..

How to get the screen DPI in java?


shell Device device shell.getDisplay System.out.println getBounds device.getBounds System.out.println getClientArea device.getClientArea.. shell.getDisplay System.out.println getBounds device.getBounds System.out.println getClientArea device.getClientArea System.out.println..

JTable with JPopupMenu


selected JTable'Row my question if is there another way as getBounds from selected row and determine compare that with Mouse position.....

make a button round


changed size make a new shape object. if shape null shape.getBounds .equals getBounds shape new Ellipse2D.Float 0 0 getWidth getHeight.. a new shape object. if shape null shape.getBounds .equals getBounds shape new Ellipse2D.Float 0 0 getWidth getHeight return shape.contains..

Why am I getting an InvocationTargetException? Android 2D game


int xChange int yChange int projectedX guy.getBounds .left xChange int projectedY guy.getBounds .top yChange Log.i.. projectedX guy.getBounds .left xChange int projectedY guy.getBounds .top yChange Log.i DD guy guy.getBounds .toString Rect projectedBounds.. int projectedY guy.getBounds .top yChange Log.i DD guy guy.getBounds .toString Rect projectedBounds new Rect projectedX projectedY..