java Programming Glossary: getbasecontext
When exactly is it leak safe to use (anonymous) inner classes? you need a long lived Context use the Application Context getBaseContext or getApplicationContext . These do not keep references implicitly...
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map .fromPixels int event.getX int event.getY Toast.makeText getBaseContext p.getLatitudeE6 1E6 p.getLongitudeE6 1E6 Toast.LENGTH_SHORT.. mc.animateTo p geocoding Geocoder geoCoder new Geocoder getBaseContext Locale.getDefault try List Address addresses geoCoder.getFromLocation.. add addresses.get 0 .getAddressLine i n Toast.makeText getBaseContext add Toast.LENGTH_SHORT .show catch IOException e e.printStackTrace..
How can I implement a ListView without ListActivity? (use only Activity)
Android + MySQL using com.mysql.jdbc.Driver url dbName userName password Toast.makeText getBaseContext Connected to the database. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show conn.close.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show conn.close Toast.makeText getBaseContext Disconnected form the database. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch.. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show catch Exception e Toast.makeText getBaseContext Exception e. Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show e.printStackTrace As I..
Android - Start service on boot Intent intent int startid Intent intents new Intent getBaseContext hello.class intents.setFlags Intent.FLAG_ACTIVITY_NEW_TASK startActivity.. setContentView R.layout.main Toast.makeText getBaseContext Hello........ Toast.LENGTH_LONG .show share improve this answer..
Android FileInputStream read() txt file to String catch IOException e e.printStackTrace File file getBaseContext .getFileStreamPath test.txt if file.exists FileInputStream fis..