java Programming Glossary: germany
JSF convertDateTime renders the previous day specify the webapp specific timezone. As you're based in Germany and the date format pattern also confirms this I'll assume CET...
How can an Android app use >=256Mb of RAM? share improve this question On the droidcon in Berlin Germany I heard that you can't increase the amount of RAM an application..
Primitive type 'short' - casting in Java
Very Large Numbers in Java Without using java.math.BigInteger a small one digit divisor in the notation we use here in Germany with annotations about the background calculations which we..
Timezone conversion minute second Create a calendar object for representing a Germany time zone. Then we wet the time of the calendar with the value.. germanyTime new GregorianCalendar TimeZone.getTimeZone Germany germanyTime.setTimeInMillis localTime.getTimeInMillis hour germanyTime.get.. germanyTime.get Calendar.SECOND Print the local time in Germany time zone System.out.printf Germany time 02d 02d 02d n hour..
Using Spring IoC to set up enum values public enum Car NANO Very Cheap India MERCEDES Expensive Germany FERRARI Very Expensive Italy public final String cost public.. madeIn Let's say that the application must be deployed in Germany where Nanos are Nearly free or in India where Ferraris are Unaffordable..