java Programming Glossary: getbackground
how to set JFrame background transparent but JPanel or JLabel Background opaque? AlphaComposite.SRC_OVER 0.5f g2d.setColor getBackground g2d.fill getBounds g2d.dispose I'm sorry for my earlier answer..
Drawing a Component to BufferedImage causes display corruption Graphics g super.paintComponent g g.setColor getBackground g.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight @Override public Dimension..
JTable Calls Custom Cell Renderer Method… Continuously setForeground table.getForeground setBackground table.getBackground setBackground row 2 0 evenColor getBackground setFont table.getFont.. table.getBackground setBackground row 2 0 evenColor getBackground setFont table.getFont setText value null value.toString return..
How to add checkbox to JTree node to manage multiselection? this public void paintComponent Graphics g Color bColor getBackground Icon icon getIcon g.setColor bColor int offset 0 if icon null..
Is there any way to accept only numeric values in a JTextField? @Override public void updateUI super.updateUI fBackground getBackground fForeground getForeground private boolean validContent AbstractFormatter..
How to make a transparant Jframe in Java but keep everything else the same? AlphaComposite.SrcOver.derive 0.85f g2d.setColor getBackground g2d.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight share improve this answer..
java multiple graphics [closed] image_.getGraphics offscreenGraphics_.setColor getBackground offscreenGraphics_.fillRect 0 0 getSize .width 1 getSize .height..
Java Applet Game 2D Window Scrolling if dbImage null clear screen in background dbg.setColor getBackground dbg.fillRect 0 0 this.getSize .width this.getSize .height draw..
Java Font Rendering getWidth line dgc Graphics2D img.getGraphics dgc.setColor getBackground dgc.fillRect 0 0 getWidth line dgc.setColor g2d.getColor if..
Java, how to draw constantly changing graphics thread final Graphics2D g2 Graphics2D g g2.setColor getBackground try for int x 0 x 8 x for int y 0 y 8 y g2.setColor model..
how to handle bad file selection for image display in swing paintComponent Graphics g clear the background g.setColor getBackground g.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight if bi null draw the image..
JFormattedTextField is not properly cleared g int w this.getWidth int h this.getHeight g.setColor this.getBackground int dx1 w width height 4 int dx2 w dx1 g.fillRect dx1 0 dx2.. implements FocusListener private Color background getBackground @Override public void focusGained FocusEvent e setBackground..
How can I make this JButton visible? When I have progressive scan background JWindow()? alpha if rectangularLAF isBackgroundSet Color c getBackground g2.setColor c g.fillRect 0 0 getWidth getHeight super.paintComponent..
refreshing background color for a row in jtable renderer row column if defaultColor null defaultColor c.getBackground Color order is as follows rowSelection checkBox toggle for row.. else comp.setBackground row 2 0 getBackground getBackground .darker dialogTable.convertRowIndexToView 0.. else comp.setBackground row 2 0 getBackground getBackground .darker dialogTable.convertRowIndexToView 0 else comp.setForeground..
JTable row hightlighter based on value from TableCell row Alternate row color c.setBackground row 2 0 getBackground Color.LIGHT_GRAY return c table.setPreferredScrollableViewportSize.. jc JComponent c if isRowSelected row c.setBackground getBackground int modelRow convertRowIndexToModel row String type String..
Stretch a JLabel text RenderingHints.VALUE_ANTIALIAS_ON g2d.setColor getBackground g2d.fillRect 0 0 bi.getWidth bi.getHeight g2d.setColor getForeground..
Component painting outside custom border if getBorder instanceof JRoundedCornerBorder g.setColor getBackground Shape borderShape JRoundedCornerBorder getBorder .getBorderShape..
Exporting JUNG graphs to hi-res images (preferably vector based) int width vsDims.width int height vsDims.height Color bg getBackground BufferedImage im new BufferedImage width height BufferedImage.TYPE_INT_BGR..