java Programming Glossary: geopoint
How to put JSON lOutput (latitude and longitude) on the map MapActivity private MapView mapView MapController mc GeoPoint p private MyLocationOverlay me null class MapOverlays extends.. mapView when user lifts his finger if event.getAction 1 GeoPoint p mapView.getProjection .fromPixels int event.getX int event.getY.. 0 double lng Double.parseDouble coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 14 mapView.invalidate..
Get Map address or Location Address in Android MyPositionOverlay positionOverlay MapController mc GeoPoint p String addressString No address found @Override public void.. 0 double lng Double.parseDouble coordinates 1 p new GeoPoint int lat 1E6 int lng 1E6 mc.animateTo p mc.setZoom 17 myMapView.invalidate.. 1E6 Double geoLng location.getLongitude 1E6 GeoPoint point new GeoPoint geoLat.intValue geoLng.intValue mapController.animateTo..
android get and parse Google Directions I'll try to use it. polyline decoding example private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint.. private List GeoPoint decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int index 0 len encoded.length int.. decodePoly String encoded List GeoPoint poly new ArrayList GeoPoint int index 0 len encoded.length int lat 0 lng 0 while index len..
Android - drawing path as overlay on MapView shadow Projection projection mv.getProjection ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints new ArrayList GeoPoint Creating geopoints ommited.. ArrayList GeoPoint geoPoints new ArrayList GeoPoint Creating geopoints ommited for readability Path p new Path for..
i am getting null pointer exception from String placeName = placeText.getText().toString(); Geocoder I O Failure is network available e p new GeoPoint latE6 lonE6 myMC.animateTo p break return..
How can I use a custom bitmap for the “you are here” point in a MyLocationOverlay? android.location.Location import import import Canvas canvas MapView mapView Location lastFix GeoPoint myLocation long when translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels.. lastFix GeoPoint myLocation long when translate the GeoPoint to screen pixels Point screenPts mapView.getProjection .toPixels..
How to create map tiles from OpenStreetMap offline, display it on Android? import org.osmdroid.util.GeoPoint import org.osmdroid.views.MapView public class YourMap extends.. MAP_DEFAULT_ZOOM m_mapView.getController .setCenter new GeoPoint MAP_DEFAULT_LATITUDE MAP_DEFAULT_LONGITUDE m_mapView.setTileSource..
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps Called when the activity is first created. MapView mapView GeoPoint geo MapController mapController LocationManager locationManager.. 1E6 int lng int location.getLongitude 1E6 GeoPoint point new GeoPoint lat lng createMarker mapController.animateTo.. int lng int location.getLongitude 1E6 GeoPoint point new GeoPoint lat lng createMarker mapController.animateTo point mapController.setCenter..
Maven + AspectJ - all steps to configure it
parsing json with java extract following data 1. name hotel name 2. starRating 3. geoPoint I used following java code for that but it's not giving me the.. neighborhood state IdF country US cachedPrice 935 geoPoint 48.865361 2.329584 starRating 5 thumbnailUrl http neighborhood state IdF country US cachedPrice 633 geoPoint 48.877107 2.297451 starRating 5 thumbnailUrl http
Positing user current location and show it in Google maps 0 public void showMap TODO Auto generated method stub try geoPoint new GeoPoint int latitude 1E6 int longitude 1E6 mapview MapView.. true mapControll.setZoom 16 mapControll.animateTo geoPoint userPic this.getResources .getDrawable your pic.... userPicOverlay.. userPic OverlayItem overlayItem new OverlayItem geoPoint null userPicOverlay.addOverlay overlayItem mapview.getOverlays..