

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:24

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithint

How to: Save order of tabs when customizing tabs in UITabBarController


NSMutableDictionary alloc initWithCapacity count for int i 0 i count i NSNumber tag NSNumber alloc initWithInt mainTabBarController.viewControllers objectAtIndex i tabBarItem tag tabsOrderDictionary setObject NSNumber numberWithInt..

Using NSTimer in a Loop


a loop that waits until the timer has invalidated IBAction startCountdown id sender NSNumber rounds NSNumber alloc initWithInt sliderRounds.value for int i rounds.intValue i 0 i self timer iphone cocoa touch for loop nstimer share improve this..

Setting up a plist to store application data (not settings) for an iPhone game


coded now in my appDelegate void loadLevels setup NSNumber objects to load into sequences NSNumber rID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 0 autorelease NSNumber bID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 1 autorelease NSNumber gID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 2 autorelease.. objects to load into sequences NSNumber rID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 0 autorelease NSNumber bID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 1 autorelease NSNumber gID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 2 autorelease NSNumber yID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 3 autorelease.. alloc initWithInt 0 autorelease NSNumber bID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 1 autorelease NSNumber gID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 2 autorelease NSNumber yID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 3 autorelease NSNumber rbID NSNumber alloc initWithInt 4 autorelease..

Proper way to instantiate an NSDecimalNumber from float or double


NSDecimalNumber alloc initWithDouble 53.1234 autorelease NSDecimalNumber intDecimal NSDecimalNumber alloc initWithInt 53 autorelease NSLog @ floatDecimal floatValue 6.3f floatDecimal floatValue NSLog @ doubleDecimal doubleValue 6.3f doubleDecimal..

Having trouble adding objects to NSMutableArray in Objective C


@synthesize viewedCardsArray snip ... IBAction doShowCard snip ... NSNumber cardIdObject NSNumber alloc initWithInt int self.currentCard cardId viewedCardsArray addObject cardIdObject cardIdObject release So this code executes and does..

How do I verify reference count in ARC mode?


in production code For example try this immediately inside the @autoreleasepool in main NSNumber n0 NSNumber alloc initWithInt 0 NSLog @ 0 reference count ld CFGetRetainCount __bridge CFTypeRef n0 Prints 2 in my test So NSNumber likely caches or at.. n0 Prints 2 in my test So NSNumber likely caches or at least reuses some instances. But not others n0 NSNumber alloc initWithInt 200 NSLog @ n0 reference count ld CFGetRetainCount __bridge CFTypeRef n0 Prints 1 I am the sole owner of this instance... There could be weak or unretained references to it but no other strong references. NSNumber n1 NSNumber alloc initWithInt 200 NSLog @ n1 reference count ld CFGetRetainCount __bridge CFTypeRef n1 Prints 1 again. New instance with same value as..