

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:22

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithcustomview

How to set a picture programmatically in a NavBar?


@selector yourBtnPress forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside UIBarButtonItem addButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView Btn self.navigationItem setRightBarButtonItem addButton And set simple imageView on navigation Bar UIImageView image UIImageView..

UIToolbar UIBarButtonItem with both image and title has very dim text


barButton.frame CGRectMake 0 0 image.size.width 15 title sizeWithFont font .width 30 if self super initWithCustomView barButton self.target target self.action action return self @end @implementation UIBarButtonItem CustomBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem..

Can I have a UIBarButtonItem with a colored image?


iPhone : making UIBarButtonItem that is arrow shaped


showMeter forControlEvents UIControlEventTouchUpInside self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView forwardButton Note it turns out that if you try to set the target and action directly on the button item after assigning..

How can I dynamically hide a button from a view?


add button to navigationbar programatically


container addSubview button button release now create a Bar button item UIBarButtonItem item UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView container set the nav bar's right button item self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem item item release UIImage im im UIImage.. imageNamed @ back.png button setImage im forState UIControlStateNormal im release backButton UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView button backButton setImageInsets UIEdgeInsetsMake 0 10 5 5 self.navigationItem setRightBarButtonItem backButton UIBarButtonItem..

add image to UIBarButtonItem using initWithImage:(UIImage *)image


Adding a UILabel to a UIToolbar


reloadData iphone cocoa touch ios share improve this question Have a look into this UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView yourCustomView Essentially every item must be a button but they can be instantiated with any view you require. Here is some.. target nil action nil items addObject spacer2 spacer2 release UIBarButtonItem title UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView self.titleLabel items addObject title title release self.toolbar setItems items animated YES items release share improve..

Multiple UIBarButtonItems in UINavigationBar


How to adjust UIToolBar left and right padding


UIControlEventTouchUpInside btnTest.frame CGRectMake 0.0 0.0 50 30 UIBarButtonItem btnTestItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView btnTest self.toolbar setItems NSArray arrayWithObjects btnTestItem nil btnTestItem release My question is how can I adjust..

adding more than two button on the navigationbar


buttons release place the toolbar into the navigation bar self.navigationItem.rightBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView toolbar toolbar release How can I solve this iphone objective c cocoa touch uinavigationbar share improve this question.. buttons release place the toolbar into the navigation bar self.navigationItem.leftBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView toolbar toolbar release Try this code snippet And In AppDelegate.h file you declare this UINavigationController navigationController..

UIBarButtonItem with color?


QLPreviewController remove or add UIBarButtonItems


animated NO and put the toolbar in the navigation bar self navigationItem setRightBarButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView toolbar iphone objective c ipad uibarbuttonitem qlpreviewcontroller share improve this question Update This no longer..

Customization of UINavigationBar and the back button


255.0f green 77.0f 255.0f blue 99.0f 255.0f alpha 1.0f forState UIControlStateNormal return UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView button autorelease UIBarButtonItem styledCancelBarButtonItemWithTarget id target selector SEL selector UIImage image UIImage.. 255.0f green 77.0f 255.0f blue 99.0f 255.0f alpha 1.0f forState UIControlStateNormal return UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView button autorelease UIBarButtonItem styledSubmitBarButtonItemWithTitle NSString title target id target selector SEL selector.. UIColor whiteColor button setTitleColor UIColor whiteColor forState UIControlStateNormal return UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView button autorelease UIButton StyledButton.h @interface UIButton UIButton_StyledButton UIButton styledButtonWithBackgroundImage..

How to change font color of UISegmentedControl


UILabel label titleLabel setTextColor UIColor blackColor UIBarButtonItem barButtonItem UIBarButtonItem alloc initWithCustomView button autorelease But text color does not changed. What I should do for change text color for UISegmentedControl iphone..