

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:21

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithcoder

viewDidLoad getting called twice on rootViewController at launch


viewDidLoad at RootViewController.m 71 #1 0x3097548f in UIViewController view #2 0x00002734 in RootViewController initWithCoder at RootViewController.m 39 #3 0x30ab5ce4 in UIClassSwapper initWithCoder #4 0x30514636 in _decodeObjectBinary #5 0x30514035.. view #2 0x00002734 in RootViewController initWithCoder at RootViewController.m 39 #3 0x30ab5ce4 in UIClassSwapper initWithCoder #4 0x30514636 in _decodeObjectBinary #5 0x30514035 in _decodeObject #6 0x30ab5a1d in UIRuntimeConnection initWithCoder #7.. initWithCoder #4 0x30514636 in _decodeObjectBinary #5 0x30514035 in _decodeObject #6 0x30ab5a1d in UIRuntimeConnection initWithCoder #7 0x30514636 in _decodeObjectBinary #8 0x30515f27 in NSKeyedUnarchiver _decodeArrayOfObjectsForKey #9 0x305163b0 in NSArray..

motionBegan: Not Working


class @class TestApplicationView @interface TestApplicationView UIView IBOutlet UIView view First Example .m id initWithCoder NSCoder coder self setUpView return self id initWithFrame CGRect frame self setUpView return self void setUpView self becomeFirstResponder..

Make a Custom Class Serializable in Objective-c/iPhone?


xml serialization share improve this question You'll want to implement the NSCoding protocol . Implement initWithCoder and encodeWithCoder and your custom class will work with NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver. Your initWithCoder should.. initWithCoder and encodeWithCoder and your custom class will work with NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver. Your initWithCoder should look like this id initWithCoder NSCoder aDecoder if self super init this needs to be super initWithCoder aDecoder.. your custom class will work with NSKeyedArchiver and NSKeyedUnarchiver. Your initWithCoder should look like this id initWithCoder NSCoder aDecoder if self super init this needs to be super initWithCoder aDecoder if the superclass implements NSCoding..

How to store custom objects in NSUserDefaults


properties of the object encoder encodeObject self.name forKey @ name encoder encodeObject self.life forKey @ life id initWithCoder NSCoder decoder self super init if self nil decode the properties self.name decoder decodeObjectForKey @ name self.life.. encodeObject self.categoryName forKey @ category encoder encodeObject self.subCategoryName forKey @ subcategory id initWithCoder NSCoder decoder if self super init decode properties other class vars self.question decoder decodeObjectForKey @ question..

Storing image in plist


NSCoder.h #import Foundation Foundation.h @interface UIImage MyExtensions void encodeWithCoder NSCoder encoder id initWithCoder NSCoder decoder @end UIImage NSCoder.m #import UIImage NSCoder.h @implementation UIImage MyExtensions void encodeWithCoder.. UIImage MyExtensions void encodeWithCoder NSCoder encoder encoder encodeDataObject UIImagePNGRepresentation self id initWithCoder NSCoder decoder return self initWithData decoder decodeDataObject @end When this has been added you will be able to store..

Is there a way to change page indicator dots color


@interface GrayPageControl UIPageControl UIImage activeImage UIImage inactiveImage GrayPageControl.m id initWithCoder NSCoder aDecoder self super initWithCoder aDecoder activeImage UIImage imageNamed @ active_page_image.png retain inactiveImage.. UIPageControl UIImage activeImage UIImage inactiveImage GrayPageControl.m id initWithCoder NSCoder aDecoder self super initWithCoder aDecoder activeImage UIImage imageNamed @ active_page_image.png retain inactiveImage UIImage imageNamed @ inactive_page_image.png..

Why NSUserDefaults failed to save NSMutableDictionary in iPhone SDK?


of CommentItem provides two methods void encodeWithCoder NSCoder encoder encoder encodeObject value forKey @ Value id initWithCoder NSCoder decoder self.value decoder decodeObjectForKey @ Value return self Anyone has better solution Thanks everyone. ..

UIScrollView : paging horizontally, scrolling vertically?


id initWithFrame CGRect frame if self super initWithFrame frame self.delaysContentTouches NO return self id initWithCoder NSCoder coder if self super initWithCoder coder self.delaysContentTouches NO return self UIView honestHitTest CGPoint point.. self super initWithFrame frame self.delaysContentTouches NO return self id initWithCoder NSCoder coder if self super initWithCoder coder self.delaysContentTouches NO return self UIView honestHitTest CGPoint point withEvent UIEvent event UIView result..

iOS SDK : playing music on the background and switching views


1 You probably don't want to play music on init rather defer to viewDidLoad. self.myMusic play id initWithCoder NSCoder coder self super initWithCoder coder if self self commonInit return self id init self super init if self self commonInit.. want to play music on init rather defer to viewDidLoad. self.myMusic play id initWithCoder NSCoder coder self super initWithCoder coder if self self commonInit return self id init self super init if self self commonInit return self id initWithNibName..