

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:23

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithfbclientid

Login to Facebook using FBGraph


get your own client id from facebook alloc and initalize our FbGraph instance self.fbGraph FbGraph alloc initWithFbClientID client_id begin the authentication process..... self.fbGraph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject self andSelector @selector..

facebook Security Warning while user has enabled secure login - iPhone


enables the secure login then it gives following message.. Here is my code i used for login self.fbGraph FbGraph alloc initWithFbClientID client_id fbGraph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions..

How to publish from iOS application to facebook wall without user amending message


ID NSString client_id @ 210645928948875 alloc and initalize our FbGraph instance self.fbGraph FbGraph alloc initWithFbClientID client_id begin the authentication process..... andExtendedPermissions @ user_photos user_videos publish_stream offline_access.. ID NSString client_id @ 123456789012345 alloc and initalize our FbGraph instance self.fbGraph FbGraph alloc initWithFbClientID client_id begin the authentication process..... fbGraph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback..

Calling logout function of facebook ios sdk is not clearing user Credentials


id sender NSString client_id @ dsfgdgfgfgdfgvdfg alloc and initalize our FbGraph instance self.fbGraph FbGraph alloc initWithFbClientID client_id begin the authentication process..... fbGraph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback..

iphone ShareKit with Video upload for facebook?


viewDidAppear BOOL animated super viewDidAppear animated NSString ClientID @ 197556430726736 FB_Graph FbGraph alloc initWithFbClientID ClientID FB_Graph authenticateUserWithCallbackObject self andSelector @selector fbGraphCallback andExtendedPermissions @..