

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:23

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithfileurl

iCloud basics and code sample [closed]


query resultAtIndex 0 NSURL url item valueForAttribute NSMetadataItemURLKey MyTextDocument doc MyTextDocument alloc initWithFileURL url _document doc doc.delegate self.viewController self.viewController.document doc doc openWithCompletionHandler ^ BOOL.. URLByAppendingPathComponent @ Documents URLByAppendingPathComponent @ text.txt MyTextDocument doc MyTextDocument alloc initWithFileURL ubiquitousPackage _document doc doc.delegate self.viewController self.viewController.document doc doc saveToURL doc fileURL..

How can I use iCloud to synchronize a .zip file between my apps?


ubiq URLByAppendingPathComponent @ Documents URLByAppendingPathComponent @ iCloudPictures.zip mydoc MyDocument alloc initWithFileURL ubiquitousPackage NSString zipFilePath documentsDirectory stringByAppendingPathComponent @ iCloudPictures NSURL u NSURL.. NSMetadataItemDisplayNameKey NSURL url item valueForAttribute NSMetadataItemURLKey MyDocument doc MyDocument alloc initWithFileURL url if filename isEqualToString @ iCloudPictures doc openWithCompletionHandler ^ BOOL success if success NSLog @ Pictures..

Pre-load core data database in iOS 5 with UIManagedDocument


mainBundle bundleURL url url URLByAppendingPathComponent @ filename UIManagedDocument doc UIManagedDocument alloc initWithFileURL url Note that you cannot write to that file as you are not allowed to write inside your application bundle. So if you want..

How do I create a global UIManagedDocument instance per document-on-disk shared by my whole application using blocks?


UIManagedObject was not retrieved create it if doc Create UIManagedDocument with this URL doc UIManagedDocument alloc initWithFileURL url Add to managedDocumentDictionary managedDocumentDictionary setObject doc forKey vacationName If document exists on..