

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:22

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithcontenturl

MPMoviePlayerViewController Generating lots of errors


NSURL filmURL NSURL URLWithString @ http www.ud ltd.com ipmt Film16.mp4 self.mvc MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc initWithContentURL filmURL self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated self.mvc self.view addSubview self.mvc.view self.mvc.moviePlayer play..

iPhone SDK: How do you download video files to the Document Directory and then play them?


@ june_high_512kb.mp4 NSURL movieURL NSURL fileURLWithPath path self.theMovie MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL movieURL _theMovie play If the above code would work in playing a video file from the document directory then I guess the..

Writing an app to stream video to iPhone


NSURL videoURL NSURL URLWithString videoURLString MPMoviePlayerController moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL videoURL moviePlayer prepareToPlay moviePlayer play self.view addSubview moviePlayer.view You need to handle the controller.. NSURL URLWithString videoURLString MPMoviePlayerViewController moviePlayerView MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc initWithContentURL videoURL autorelease self presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated moviePlayerView presentMoviePlayerViewControllerAnimated..

How To Rotate An MPMoviePlayerController


Hide StatusBar from MPMoviePlayerController


@ movie01 ofType @ m4v NSURL videoPathURL NSURL fileURLWithPath videoPath moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL videoPathURL self.view addSubview moviePlayer.view moviePlayer.shouldAutoplay YES moviePlayer.movieSourceType MPMovieSourceTypeFile..

MPMoviePlayerController and HTTP Live Streaming


@ http devimages.apple.com iphone samples bipbopall.html MPMoviePlayerController mp MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL mediaURL NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector moviePlayBackDidFinish name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification..

cocos2d: playing a video in the background of a menu


NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ test_005_conv_06.mp4 ofType @ moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL url Register to receive a notification when the movie has finished playing. NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver.. fileURLWithPath NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource @ test ofType @ m4v moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL url if moviePlayer respondsToSelector @selector setFullscreen animated Use the new 3.2 style API moviePlayer.controlStyle..

MPMoviePlayerController switching movies causes white flash


NSBundle mainBundle pathForResource title ofType @ mp4 MPMoviePlayerController player MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL NSURL fileURLWithPath url player view setFrame self.movieView.bounds self.movieView addSubview player.view if title isEqualToString..

MPMoviewPlayerController fullscreen playback rotation with underlying UIViewController with portrait mode only (rotation disallowed)


MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded . The code is simple and does look like ... __moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL NSURL URLWithString @ MOVIE_URL __moviePlayer.controlStyle MPMovieControlStyleEmbedded __moviePlayer.view.frame CGRectMake..

Playing a video file from server in an Iphone app


way to play video file from server or from local path. MPMoviePlayerController player MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL myURL player view setFrame myView bounds frame must match parent view myView addSubview player view player play You can..

Playing many different videos on iphone using AVPlayer


goes blank these controls load correctly but do nothing. Any ideas guys This is the initialization for the player id initWithContentURL NSString aContentURL delegate id aDelegate self super initWithNibName @ NoCashMoviePlayer bundle nil if self nil return.. options UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft animations ^ self.myView.alpha 1.0 moviePlayer NoCashMoviePlayer alloc initWithContentURL self movieURL vidIndex delegate self self.moviePlayer.view.frame self.myView.bounds self.moviePlayer.view.autoresizingMask.. UIViewAnimationTransitionFlipFromLeft animations ^ self.otherView.alpha 1.0 moviePlayer NoCashMoviePlayer alloc initWithContentURL self movieURL vidIndex delegate self self.moviePlayer.view.frame self.otherView.bounds self.moviePlayer.view.autoresizingMask..

Add image to UIBarButtonItem button


doesn't work Don't know what's going on. MPMoviePlayerViewController videoController MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc initWithContentURL NSURL URLWithString filePath autorelease UIButton favouritebutton UIButton buttonWithType UIButtonTypeCustom favouritebutton..

How to release MPMoviePlayerController?


once the user presses done on the movieplayer. MPMoviePlayerController moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL NSURL fileURLWithPath moviePath moviePlayer.movieControlMode MPMovieControlModeDefault moviePlayer play moviePlayer release..

play video stream with MPMoviePlayerController


NSURL url NSURL URLWithString @ http MyStreamURL.com MPMoviePlayerController moviePlayer MPMoviePlayerController alloc initWithContentURL url NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector moviePlayBackDidFinish name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification.. can manage the presentation of your video for you. MPMoviePlayerViewController mpvc MPMoviePlayerViewController alloc initWithContentURL url NSNotificationCenter defaultCenter addObserver self selector @selector moviePlaybackDidFinish name MPMoviePlayerPlaybackDidFinishNotification..

Caching videos to disk after successful preload by MPMoviePlayerController


to disk after successful preload by MPMoviePlayerController After launching a video using MPMoviePlayerController's initWithContentURL is it possible to cache the downloaded video so that the next time the video is played it can be loaded via a local file..