

2014/10/15 ¤U¤È 10:10:22

iphone Programming Glossary: initwithcoordinate

How Can I get Direction on an iPhone iOS 6 App in Xcode from A to B?


MKMapItem mapItemForCurrentLocation MKMapItem toLocation MKMapItem alloc initWithPlacemark MKPlacemark alloc initWithCoordinate to addressDictionary nil autorelease toLocation.name @ Destination MKMapItem openMapsWithItems NSArray arrayWithObjects..

How to retrieve user's current city name?


a MKReverseGeocoder to find a placemark using the found coordinates MKReverseGeocoder geoCoder MKReverseGeocoder alloc initWithCoordinate newLocation.coordinate geoCoder.delegate self geoCoder start this delegate method is called if an error occurs in locating..

Using a custom annotation when adding it to map


coords CLLocationCoordinate2DMake shops.latitude shops.longitude AnnotationForId shop AnnotationForId alloc initWithCoordinate coords CLLocationCoordinate2DMake shops.latitude shops.longtitude shop.title shops.name shop.subtitle @ Coffee Shop shop.shopId.. want. such like UIImage UIView ...etc @end And in .m file #import AnnotationView.h @implementation AnnotationView id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate addressDictionary NSDictionary addressDictionary if self super initWithCoordinate coordinate.. id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate addressDictionary NSDictionary addressDictionary if self super initWithCoordinate coordinate addressDictionary addressDictionary self.coordinate coordinate return self @end Use Annotation Add #import AnnotationView.h..

How do I drop a pin with MapKit?


Instantiate your delegate object and add it to the map AnnotationDelegate annotationDelegate AnnotationDelegate alloc initWithCoordinate coordinate andTitle title andSubtitle subt autorelease self._mapView addAnnotation annotationDelegate The map will access..

iPhone: Create MKAnnotation


readonly CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate add an init method so you can set the coordinate property on startup id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coord and your implementation looks like MyAnnotation.m id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D.. on startup id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coord and your implementation looks like MyAnnotation.m id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coord coordinate coord return self So to add your annotation to the map MyAnnotation annotation MyAnnotation.. coord coordinate coord return self So to add your annotation to the map MyAnnotation annotation MyAnnotation alloc initWithCoordinate coordinate autorelease self.mapView addAnnotation annotation If you wan't a title and subtitle on the annotation callout..

iPhone Mapkit adding custom image and pins to annotations


or image. Here is how I add my annotations MapAnnotation follows MKAnnotation MapAnnotation ann MapAnnotation alloc initWithCoordinate newCoord ann.title locationDictionary objectForKey @ name ann.subtitle locationDictionary objectForKey @ name mapView addAnnotation..

How do I create an image overlay and add to MKMapView?


@property nonatomic readonly CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate @end MapOverlay.m @implementation MapOverlay id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate self super init if self nil return self CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D..

What does an underscore signify in the name of a member variable in Objective-C? [duplicate]


on net. The code is as below @interface MapDemoAnnotation NSObject MKAnnotation CLLocationCoordinate2D _coordinate id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate @end @implementation MapDemoAnnotation @synthesize coordinate _coordinate id initWithCoordinate.. CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate @end @implementation MapDemoAnnotation @synthesize coordinate _coordinate id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D coordinate self super init if self nil _coordinate coordinate return self @end Can anyone please..

How to invoke iPhone Maps for Directions with Current Location as Start Address


you will use something like this if routing to destination coordinates latlong MKPlacemark place MKPlacemark alloc initWithCoordinate latlong addressDictionary nil MKMapItem destination MKMapItem alloc initWithPlacemark place destination.name @ Name Here..

MKPinannotation detail disclosure button - present new view


return subtitle NSString website return website NSString directions return directions NSString title return title id initWithCoordinate CLLocationCoordinate2D c coordinate c return self @end @implementation TransparentToolbar Override draw rect to avoid background.. companyCityState companyCityState release companyCityState nil companyCityState AddressAnnotation alloc initWithCoordinate companyCity companyCityState.title @ name of shop here double distanceMetersCompanyCityState mapView.userLocation.location.. chiliAuburnAlabama chiliAuburnAlabama release chiliAuburnAlabama nil chiliAuburnAlabama AddressAnnotation alloc initWithCoordinate chiliAuburn chiliAuburnAlabama.title @ Chili Yogurt Café chiliAuburnAlabama.website @ http stackoverflow.com questions 6195774..

MKAnnotationView - Lock custom annotation view to pin on location updates


smooth animation if self.currentLocationAnnotation nil self.currentLocationAnnotation CurrentLocationAnnotation alloc initWithCoordinate coords andTitle @ My Title andSubtitle @ My subtitle self.mapView addAnnotation self.currentLocationAnnotation self.mapView..