

c# Programming Glossary: disk

UnauthorizedAccessException cannot resolve Directory.GetFiles failure


access rights defined. In my example I'm searching on a disk across a network and when I come across a root access only folder..

Bit fields in C#


I have a structure which I need to populate and write to disk several actually . An example is byte 6 bit0 original_or_copy..

When to use thread pool in C#?


such as downloading stuff from remote servers or disk access but need to do this say once every few minutes then make..

FileSystemWatcher Changed event is raised twice


actions during the writing process. Notepad writes to the disk in batches that create the content of the file and then the..

how can you easily check if access is denied for a file in .NET?


this are known to be slow it's important to remember that disk i o is even slower... a lot slower... and calling the .Exists..

What do 'statically linked' and 'dynamically linked' mean?


into the in memory copy of the executable not the one on disk. It's basically a method of deferred linking. There's an even.. an executable can change just by replacing the file on the disk. This allows updates to functionality without having to re link..

Get Size of file on disk


Size of file on disk var length new System.IO.FileInfo path .Length This gives the.. gives the logical size of the file not the size on the disk. I wish to get the size of a file on the disk in C# preferably.. size on the disk. I wish to get the size of a file on the disk in C# preferably without interop as would be reported by Windows..

How do I save a stream to a file?


with a stream now I want to save this stream to disk the stream may be a .gif or .jpg or .pdf . Existing Code StreamReader.. myOtherObject.InputStream I need to save this to disk I have the filename . In the future I may want to store this.. keep the binary data as binary data and write it back to disk or SQL as binary data EDIT As this seems to be something people..

How do I retrieve disk information in C#?


do I retrieve disk information in C# I would like to access information on the.. computer using C#. How should I accomplish this Thanks c# disk share improve this question For most information you can..

How to embed a text file in a .NET assembly?


so that I can load the text without having to read it from disk and so that everything I need is contained within the exe. So..

Get File Icon used by Shell


filePath If TheIcon IsNot Nothing Then ''#Save it to disk or do whatever you want with it. Using stream As New System.IO.FileStream..

Dynamic enum in C#


domain and allow it to be executed and saved to disk. AssemblyName name new AssemblyName MyEnums AssemblyBuilder..

Convert a bitmap into a byte array in C#?


are doing except the file is saved to memory instead of to disk. Although more code you have the option of ImageFormat and it.. and it can be easily modified between saving to memory or disk. Source http www.vcskicks.com image to byte.php share improve..

Looking for a simple standalone persistent dictionary implementation in C#


Questions Persistent Binary Tree Hash table in .Net Disk backed dictionary cache for c# PersistentDictionary Key Value..

How to get the list of removable disk in c#?


DialogResult.OK if CheckFilePathIsOfRemovableDisk saveFileDialog.FileName true carry on with save else MessageBox.Show.. on with save else MessageBox.Show Must save to Removable Disk location was not valid OR The best option would be to create..

Get current CPU, RAM and Disk drive usage in C#


current CPU RAM and Disk drive usage in C# How to get the CPU RAM and Disk drive usage.. RAM and Disk drive usage in C# How to get the CPU RAM and Disk drive usage of the system in C# code c# wpf cpu usage diskspace..

Is IntPtr.Zero equivalent to null?


it could still return right away. See Asynchronous Disk I O . Ahh I love contradicting stories. c# file io asynchronous..

C#: Writing a CookieContainer to Disk and Loading Back In For Use


Writing a CookieContainer to Disk and Loading Back In For Use I have a CookieContainer extracted..

Creating a Huge Dummy File in a Matter of Seconds in C#


last_seg this.label2.Text r nDone br.Close where din is Disk Information object well with these two approach it takes something..

What's the fastest way to bulk insert a lot of data in SQL Server (C# client)


the values are pre sorted based on the primary key. The Disk time performance counter spends a lot of time at 100 so it is..

How to detect if Console.In (stdin) has been redirected?


StdHandle.Stderr P Invoke private enum FileType Unknown Disk Char Pipe private enum StdHandle Stdin 10 Stdout 11 Stderr 12..

Windows Kiosk App


the way you want them to no matter who uses them. Windows Disk Protection em Help protect the Windows partition which contains.. approval.Windows SteadyState allows you to set Windows Disk Protection to remove all changes upon restart to remove changes.. to not remove changes at all. If you choose to use Windows Disk Protection to remove changes any changes made by shared users..

Access a Remote Directory from C#


ResourceScope.GlobalNetwork ResourceType ResourceType.Disk DisplayType ResourceDisplaytype.Share RemoteName networkName.TrimEnd.. The resource type. summary public enum ResourceType Any 0 Disk 1 Print 2 Reserved 8 summary The resource displaytype. summary..

What are some resources I can use to learn profiling/optimizing?


but make sure the upgrade will make a difference. Disk reads won't be a lot faster by buying a faster computer. And..

What does | (pipe) mean in c#?


How can I build Entity Framework queries dynamically?


filtering data. I have two various Log entities they are DiskLog and NetworkLog . These entities both are derived from Log.. some code from my C# app public class Log ... public class DiskLog Log ... public class NetworkLog Log ... public enum LogType.. NetworkLog Log ... public enum LogType NotInitialized 0 Disk Network public List Log GetWithFilter Guid userKey int nSkip..

List All Partitions On Disk


All Partitions On Disk I'm making a utility in C# for a filesystem that isn't supported.. new ManagementObjectSearcher root CIMV2 SELECT FROM Win32_DiskPartition foreach var queryObj in searcher.Get Console.WriteLine.. searcher.Get Console.WriteLine Console.WriteLine Win32_DiskPartition instance Console.WriteLine Name 0 string queryObj Name..

C# start Windows Service programmatically


service System.InvalidOperationException Service Logical Disk Manager Administrative Service was not found on computer '.'...

How to check if IOException is Not-Enough-Disk-Space-Exception type?


to check if IOException is Not Enough Disk Space Exception type How can I check if IOException is a Not..