

c# Programming Glossary: discover

“Nested foreach” vs “lambda/linq query” performance(LINQ-to-Objects)


clearest code you can and then benchmark and profile to discover any performance problems. If you do have performance problems..

How to programmatically discover mapped network drives on system and their server names?


to programmatically discover mapped network drives on system and their server names I'm..

Understanding Garbage Collection in .net


build. That requires explaining how the garbage collector discovers local variables and how that's affected by having a debugger.. would amount to a leak. The jitter can use the table to discover that such a local variable is no longer useful depending on.. way to do that is by calling GC.Collect . But they'll discover that it doesn't work when they debug their app leading them..

CryptographicException: Padding is invalid and cannot be removed and Validation of viewstate MAC failed


I see in log this message again for webresource and what I discover is that a bot getting the pages and make all the character on..

How can I discover the “path” of an embedded resource?


can I discover the &ldquo path&rdquo of an embedded resource I am storing..

Needed: A Windows Service That Executes Jobs from a Job Queue in a DB; Wanted: Example Code


other and the ashx page becomes unresponsive. Next you'll discover the dequeue vs. dequeue are deadlocking and your loop is constantly..

string = string + int: What's behind the scene? (C#)


arg1.ToString This calls String.Concat string string To discover this you can use ildasm or Reflector in IL or in C# with no..

Specifying generic collection type param at runtime


a generic collection from the database of a type that I discover at runtime using reflection. c# generics casting runtime ..

How do I maintain RichText formatting (bold/italic/etc) when changing any one element?


question RTB does not support this well. You cannot even discover the range of characters within the selection that has the same.. until it changes. Apply the changed font to the range you discovered. Check this answer for a way to keep this reasonably quick..

ASP.NET MVC 3: DefaultModelBinder with inheritance/polymorphism


which is what is supposed to do. The question how can I discover which concrete Order type is sent by the view I've already searched.. ASP.NET MVC DefaultModelBinder and use Direct Injection to discover which type is the Order create a method for each order not beautiful..

Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket


handler listener.EndAccept ar I need to find a way to discover as soon as possible that the client has disconnected from the..

Attributes in C#


The C# compiler csc.exe itself has been preprogrammed to discover the presence of various attributes during the compilation cycle... constructs. By way of another example if the C# compiler discovers an item attributed with the Obsolete attribute it will display..

How to fill forms and submit with Webclient in C#


with a number and I find the source code from the site and discover that the name is number . So I write this NameValueCollection..

Programming P2P application


1 contact a STUN or TURN server with that same socket to discover your external IP address and to discover what the internal port.. same socket to discover your external IP address and to discover what the internal port number maps to outside of the NAT it's.. address from which it came. Eventually the clients will discover that they have a pair of addresses that they can reliably send..

How can I determine which exceptions can be thrown by a given method?


just hoping someone has used or knows of a tool that can discover this information. c# exception error handling share improve..