

c# Programming Glossary: dispatch

Why C# doesn't implement indexed properties?


for COM interop as shown in the article using dynamic dispatch it is implemented in VB.NET it is already possible to create..

Double dispatch in C#?


dispatch in C# I have heard read the term but don't quite understand.. code sample c# design patterns language features double dispatch share improve this question Example The visitor pattern.. Example The visitor pattern is a way of doing double dispatch in an object oriented way. It's useful for when you want to..

If vs. Switch Speed


will actually generate code that uses a hash table to dispatch these. The hash table uses the strings as keys and delegates..

parse and execute JS by C#


int GetScriptDispatch string itemName out IntPtr dispatch PreserveSig int GetCurrentScriptThreadID out uint thread PreserveSig.. null throw Site.LastException throw IntPtr dispatch if expression continue our 32 bit hack... if _parse32 null.. if _parse32 null _engine.GetScriptDispatch null out dispatch object dp Marshal.GetObjectForIUnknown dispatch try return..

What's the difference between dynamic(C# 4) and var?


beast it is most similar to object but with dynamic dispatch dynamic s abc Console.WriteLine s.Length Here s is typed as..

Why is Multiple Inheritance not allowed in Java or C#?


the implementation. This complexity impacts casting layout dispatch field access serialization identity comparisons verifiability..