

c# Programming Glossary: discriminator

Soft Delete Entity Framework Code First


the entity via navigation properties. Add an IsDeleted discriminator to every entity that can be soft deleted. Unfortunately I haven't.. method runs sql directly on the database because discriminator columns cannot be included in entities private void SoftDelete..

EF 5 Conditional Mapping


Code First that may help. The key is that you add a discriminator to every model that you want to be able to soft delete. In code..

Query by discriminator in NHibernate


by discriminator in NHibernate I did some searching on this and didn't turn.. a Hibernate query to return a set of objects based on a discriminator I have an AbstractUser class which is extended by the concrete.. UserTypeB are both stored in the same table with different discriminator values. Here is my discriminator mapping property discriminator..

Entity Framework 4.3 - TPH mapping and migration error


map a TPH table per hierarchy setup which uses two custom discriminator fields. One for the discriminator itself and the other for soft.. which uses two custom discriminator fields. One for the discriminator itself and the other for soft deletes much like the where option..