

c# Programming Glossary: disappear

Drawing a line in Winforms


What's the cause of this FatalExecutionEngineError in .NET 4.5 beta? [closed]


to the compiler or whatever changed to make String.cctor disappear expected the EE make this assignment before any user code executes..

ICommand binding causing UI memory leak in WPF application


the offending ICommand and found that the memory leak disappears. Unfortunately I need the ICommand to implement some important.. fixing either of these two problems will make the leak disappear the incorrectly implemented CanExecuteChanged causes a strong..

Change content in a windows form


I have a menu when I click start I want the menu to disappear and the game to start. I'm not using XNA or anything like that..

When should weak references be used?


all about garbage collection. A standard object will not disappear until all references to it are severed this means all the references.. it from being garbage collected Really I just want it to disappear from my set. This is where you'd use something like a Weak Set..

After killing the process for TabletKeyboard(TabTip.exe) application doesn't bring back to its original size in wpf


When I click on the save button the keyboard should disappear and my application should come back to its original size. I..

Understanding Garbage Collection in .net


variable in the Watch window or inspect it. And it would disappear while you are debugging if a GC occurs. That would be very unpleasant..

Is it possible to run a .net 4.5 app on XP?


when run on 4.0 Just target 4.0 and all of these problems disappear. Or break that logjam and stop supporting XP a business decision..

Render HTML as an Image


this has become an issue because of how backgrounds disappear when printing and other problems so I think the best solution..

Application.OpenForms.Count = 0 always


There's a bug in Windows Forms that makes a form disappear from the Application.OpenForms collection. This will happen..

C# - How to fix Error: “Could not find schema information for the attribute/element” by creating schema


not there then add it. That should cause those messages to disappear. I saved my web.xsd in the root of my web folder which might..

Is ASP.NET MVC 3 ready for business applications


as you gain experience. The productivity gains start to disappear when the pages become more complex. The abstraction is more..

Plus sign in query string


in the querystring with a plus sign. But the plus sign disappear. How can I include the plus sign in the query string without.. can I include the plus sign in the query string without disappearing Please advise. Thanks. Edit added code with UrlEncode string..

ComboBox in DatagridView in Edit Mode


And when i enter the Read Only mode the ComboBox should disappear and DataGridView should be visible as normal. How to achieve..

Razor intellisense error: Feature 'extension method' cannot be used because it is not part of the ISO-2 C# language specification


on the web and had no luck. I finally got this error to disappear and my IntelliSense to work by copying the extra MVC configuration..

Out Of Context Variables In Visual Studio 2010 Debugger


none of the variables outside the foreach statement which disappear as soon as I enter the foreach block . Then as soon as you enter..

finding the value of the points in a chart


in a balloon by clicking on that part. The ballon shoud disappear when the user moves the mouse. How can I do that c# winforms..

Releasing a unplugged virtual Serial Port


take the crummy shortcut they simply make the device disappear even while it is in use . This plays havoc on any user mode.. is a real serial port and real serial ports don't suddenly disappear. At least not without drawing a bright blue spark. What goes..