

c# Programming Glossary: dispatcher.currentdispatcher

Using the WPF Dispatcher in unit tests


Application.Current.Dispatcher else this.Dispatcher Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher Is there something I need to do to initialise the Dispatcher.. Dispatcher dispatcher Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher DispatcherFrame frame new DispatcherFrame IDomainCollectionMetaData..

Asynchronous WPF Commands


null ExecutionStarting this EventArgs.Empty var dispatcher Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem obj try OnExecute parameter if..

Looking for an example of a custom SynchronizationContext


MainThread object param Thread.VolatileWrite ref dispObj Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher Console.WriteLine Main Thread is setup Id 0 Thread.CurrentThread.ManagedThreadId..

Update a ObservableCollection with a background worker in mvvm


List collection base collection dispatcher Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher rwLock new ReaderWriterLock protected override void InsertItem.. sender ObjectEventArgs cdAdministrators e Dispatcher x Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher AdministratorViewModel viewModel new AdministratorViewModel..

Task continuation on UI thread


second Action seems like unnecessary overhead. dispatcher Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher Task task Task.Factory.StartNew DoLongRunningWork Task UITask..

Printing BlockUIContainer to XpsDocument/FixedDocument


haven't tried would be to call ContextLayoutManager.From Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher .UpdateLayout ContextLayoutManager walks the logical tree for.. that dispatcher has done the layout and render passes Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher.Invoke DispatcherPriority.Loaded new Action viewer.Document..

Cannot convert lambda expression to type 'System.Delegate'


thread. So I called this on the main thread _uiDispatcher Dispatcher.CurrentDispatcher And now I want to execute some code on that thread from another..