

c# Programming Glossary: disconnects

Getting started with socket programming in C# - Best practices


Once server receives close message from all the clients it disconnects the socket and stop listening. Call Dispose on each client sockets..

WCF - have client check for service availability


to put the clients in an 'offline' state when the server disconnects dies and then automatically bring them back 'online' when the..

MVVM Sync Collections


with an extended CollectionViewSource that temporary disconnects the source when the collection is changed it works nicely. HTH..

Detecting Client Death in WCF Duplex Contracts


a callback. I'd like to be able to detect if the client disconnects through user initiated shutdown unhandled exception or loss..

How to detect when laptop power cable has been disconnected?


write a little C# program that detects when my power cable disconnects and then emits a nice long System beep. What API could I use..

Connecting over internet to WCF service using wsDualHttpBinding times out


you can get instant notification of when a client disconnects since a socket is closed. No need to wait for a HTTP timeout..

Detect socket disconnect in WCF


may be closed anytime regardless on whether the client disconnects gracefully or not. c# wcf .net 4.0 net.tcp share improve..

Why does “int[] is uint[] == true” in C#


true as well. It's somewhat unfortunate that there are disconnects between the language and the underlying execution engine but..

Instantly detect client disconnection from server socket


connecting to a server and want to detect when the server disconnects but they do not work when you are the server and want to detect..