

c# Programming Glossary: disks

Shredding files in .NET


ran a scientific study to take a close look at hard disks of various makes and different ages overwriting their data under..

Read USB Device Serial number in C#


is where we get the drive serial ManagementObjectSearcher disks new ManagementObjectSearcher SELECT FROM Win32_DiskDrive foreach.. FROM Win32_DiskDrive foreach ManagementObject disk in disks.Get if disk Name .ToString . PHYSICALDRIVE driveNumber disk..

Physical disk size not correct (IoCtlDiskGetDriveGeometry)


fact a simple class use to store CHS address of phisical disks and provide a method converting the address from LBA format.. have the same usage in mathematics and arround physical disks. CHS is likely x y z R G B or any other things which you can..

UDID for windows 8


rely on hardware because it's easy to add memory change disks add another network card for example turning on off bluetooth..

What is the best buffer size when using BinaryReader to read big files (>1GB)?


without any intermediate copying. Summary For single disks use the defaults of the .NET framework they deliver excellent..

Need a way to sort a 100 GB log file by date [closed]


2 workstation grade at least 70mb sec read write IO hard disks on the same SATA controller it took me 162 minutes to sort a..